I was born and raised in the Kansas City area and have moved and come back twice. Kansas City has a lot to do, prices are very reasonable, and how can you beat having a More
KC has seriously grown over the last 20 years, specifically the downtown area. The city as a whole has become a more inviting place for younger generations as well with More
I have lived in Kansas City my entire life. I've also lived in other states. Yes, there are bad guys/gals that live here. Can you name a big city that is More
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I grew up here and come visit all the time.Some say roads are bad but they have been redoing most all major roads ,now they are working on residential streets.Some say More
I grew up in Corpus Christi and still return occasionally. Corpus Christi is probably the most underrated city in Texas. Probably because it is not the picture of a More
Corpus Christi is a small city on the shores of Texas with a very nice bayfront. The winters are cloudy bringing much cooler air. The summer months are brutally hot More
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