Houston, MN is a small town located in southeastern Minnesota. The population of the town is around 1,100 people. Houston has one school district that serves the community with an excellent education system. Students from Houston are able to benefit from a variety of learning opportunities, including specialized programs and advanced classes. According to official school ratings, Houston’s schools have consistently been rated as “good” or “excellent” for many years. Local educators take pride in their commitment to providing high-quality instruction and resources to prepare students for success in college and beyond. Additionally, the townsfolk are passionate about investing in educational opportunities for all children. This includes offering tutoring services, extra-curricular activities, and other initiatives that help young people reach their full potential. Overall, Houston residents can be proud that their local schools provide a safe and nurturing learning environment for its students.
Houston schools spend $8,884 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 18 pupils per teacher, 1,863 students per librarian, and 750 children per counselor.