Ransom, ND Education


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United States / North Dakota / No Metro Area / Sargent County / Ransom / Zip Codes
The education in Ransom, ND is of the highest quality. The local schools are rated highly by parents and students alike, providing a great opportunity for children to get an excellent education. The teachers in the area are highly qualified and dedicated to helping their students succeed. There is a great emphasis on providing resources and support for children as they progress through their educational journey. In addition, the schools offer a variety of extracurricular activities and enrichment opportunities that make learning fun and engaging. All in all, families in Ransom can trust that their kids will get the best possible education from this community's outstanding schools.

Ransom schools spend $17,986 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 8 pupils per teacher, 297 students per librarian, and 211 children per counselor.

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  EducationRansom, North DakotaUnited States
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