The housing market in Ellsworth township, KS is a great value compared to the US median housing value of $338,100. The median housing value in Ellsworth township is currently $116,800, which makes it more affordable for buyers looking to enter the market. Additionally, over the past year while the US has seen a house appreciation rate of 8.27%, Ellsworth township's appreciation rate has been a slightly lower 5.12%. Despite this somewhat lower appreciation rate, Ellsworth township remains an attractive option for those seeking affordably priced homes and may be an ideal place to invest in property.
The median home cost in Ellsworth township is $116,800. Home appreciation the last 10 years has been 51.1%. Home Appreciation in Ellsworth township is up 10.9%.
Average Age of Homes
- The median age of Ellsworth township real estate is 59 years old
The Rental Market in Ellsworth township
- Renters make up 21.8% of the Ellsworth township population
- 0.0% of houses and apartments in Ellsworth township, are available to rent
Buying a home is the biggest single purchase most people make during their lives. The second largest is most often an automobile.