Long Prairie, MN is a small rural town with a population of 3,628 and a population density of 1,203 people per square mile. It is located in Central Minnesota and is surrounded by scenic farmland and forests. The area provides many year-round outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, swimming, hiking, biking and cross-country skiing. Local businesses include the Long Prairie Hardware Store which offers all your home improvement needs; the River Rock Inn for restaurant dining; and the Westside Grocery Store for all your grocery needs. There are also several organizations in Long Prairie including the Long Prairie Public Library, which offers a variety of programs throughout the year; American Legion Post #178; and Lions Club International #3744. Finally, local sporting events include golf tournaments at the Long Prairie Golf Course; high school football games at the Bulldog Stadium; and softball tournaments at Riverside Park.
The population in Long Prairie is 3,628. There are 1,324 people per square mile aka population density. The median age in Long Prairie is 44.8, the US median age is 38.4. The number of people per household in Long Prairie is 2.4, the US average of people per household is 2.6.
Family in Long Prairie
- 52.9% are married
- 8.9% are divorced
- 40.9% are married with children
- 11.4% have children, but are single
Race in Long Prairie
- 66.6% are White
- 0.0% are Black
- 0.0% are Asian
- 0.1% are Native American
- 0.0% claim Other
- 33.2% claim Hispanic ethnicity
- 0.0% Two or more races
- 0.0% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander