Lakeland South, WA is a small rural town located in the northwest corner of Washington State. With a population of 12,696 people, it is far below the US population density of 93 people per square mile. Despite its small size, Lakeland South has many attractions and activities to offer its residents. Year-round outdoor activities include hiking, camping, fishing and skiing at nearby Mt. Baker Ski Resort. Local businesses include Dairy Queen and Burger King, along with a variety of small shops and restaurants. The local library offers educational programs for adults and children alike, as well as providing access to local sporting events such as the annual Lakeland South High School football game. Other organizations in the area include churches, youth groups, veterans organizations and more. There are also numerous parks and other green spaces to enjoy throughout the area. All in all, Lakeland South is an ideal place for those looking for a peaceful community with plenty of amenities nearby.
The population in Lakeland South is 12,696. There are 2,559 people per square mile aka population density. The median age in Lakeland South is 40.1, the US median age is 38.4. The number of people per household in Lakeland South is 2.9, the US average of people per household is 2.6.
Family in Lakeland South
- 55.1% are married
- 12.0% are divorced
- 36.9% are married with children
- 10.7% have children, but are single
Race in Lakeland South
- 68.6% are White
- 4.0% are Black
- 6.2% are Asian
- 4.1% are Native American
- 0.3% claim Other
- 12.0% claim Hispanic ethnicity
- 3.8% Two or more races
- 1.0% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander