McIntosh, AL is a small town located in Mobile County. It has a population of around 1,900 according to the 2019 census estimates. Despite its small size, McIntosh has been consistently ranked highly by for its livability and quality of life. The town ranks high across multiple scales including economics, housing, cost of living, education and health care. In terms of economics, McIntosh ranks among the highest in Alabama with a median household income that is 11% higher than the state average. Furthermore, housing costs are more than 10% less expensive compared to other parts of the state. Education in McIntosh is also very good as there are several top-performing schools that have earned recognition from the National Blue Ribbon School program awards. Lastly, access to healthcare services remains strong as there are several reputable medical facilities in and around the town. As a result of these factors, McIntosh continues to be one of the best places to live in Alabama by many standards.
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