Miranda, California is located in Humboldt County and has a population of 269 according to the latest census. Despite its small size, the city ranked highly in several areas on Bestplaces.net. It was given a livability score of 82 out of 100, indicating that it is a great place to live with plenty of amenities and services available. Its cost of living index is also very low at 98.6, which means that day-to-day expenses are not too high. Furthermore, Miranda has an education index of 84 out of 100, meaning that its educational opportunities are good compared to other cities in the area. The city also has a low crime rate with an index score of 71 out of 100. Lastly, its air quality rating on BestPlaces was given a score of 72 out of 100, indicating that it has decent air quality overall for residents to breathe freely. Overall, Miranda offers a pleasant living experience with plenty of comforts and amenities for its citizens despite its small population size.
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