13 (Bind Data) Conversion from string " " to type 'Double' is not valid. De Groat, ND Commuting

De Groat, ND Commuting

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United States / North Dakota / No Metro Area / Ramsey County / De Groat / Zip Codes
De Groat, ND is a small city located in northeastern North Dakota. While it does not have the same large population as some of the major metropolitan cities, there are still plenty of transportation options available for both locals and visitors alike. The city has several public bus lines that offer regularly scheduled service throughout De Groat and its surrounding areas. There are also multiple taxi companies that operate within the area which provide individuals with an easy and affordable way to get around town. Additionally, car rental services, bike paths, and walking routes are all available in the area for those looking to explore further.

The typical American commute has been getting longer each year since 2010. The average one-way commute in De Groat takes 12.9 minutes. That's shorter than the US average of 26.4 minutes.

How people in De Groat get to work:
- 93.3% drive their own car alone
- 0.0% carpool with others
- 6.7% work from home
- 0.0% take mass transit
     Commute Time To Work

  TransportationDe Groat, North DakotaUnited States
Commute Time 26.79
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