Griffin, Georgia

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Griffin, GA

Don't move to Griffin Ga very dangerous crooked ci - 5/10/2021

Gang violence plagues the city I went inside a retail store and a bloods flag was flying I asked the manager about it and the manager told me that there was nothing he could do about it. I have witnessed 3 gang related shootings personally and I have seen many others that are not gang related. Across from the popeyes in Griffin there is a drug dealer that they call Ant whose real name is Anthony I saw him selling crack rocks weed guns and other various illegal items to some children. My sister used to work at the police department and it is dirty over there. She told me stories of how she found out her commanding officer was a drug dealer an possible murder. My sister's partner was in with it too cause there was a fake investigation at a motel and my sister was gunned down and threatened to be in a ditch unless she burned the proof later her partner "committed suicide" and was found in a ditch I have seen a shooting over at the Krystals. Overall the crime in Griffin is very bad and is steadily increasing. The poverty is over 31% and rising at the rate it is going I wouldn't be surprised if Griffin becomes the most dangerous city in the State of Georgia and maybe even one of the most dangerous in the whole U.S. Whatever you do try to avoid the east Griffin area as it is the most dangerous and don't look at anyone the wrong way as I have done that before and was threatened to be shot by a Latin king so I now wear sunglasses everywhere I go. Griffins crime rate was on the rise in the 80s and peeked in the 90s then in the 2000s the crime declined but every since 2015 the crime is rising dangerously fast. If you are considering moving here don't Griffin Ga is the most dangerous city I have ever lived in. I moved out in 2020 and I currently reside in Miami where the crime is still bad but no where as bad as it was in Griffin. As for my sister she refuses to leave.

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Griffin, GA

nothing here. - 12/15/2013

Use to be "Griffin Great and Growing" Then after vote the slogan became "Griffin what's in it for Me" Nothing here. Old Mill town with no jobs. Lots of Tire Shops, Mexican and Chinese dining. Any chain/franchise that comes our way. we ruin them. Negativity seems to fester and grow in Griffin. Have known many train wrecked humans to leave this town to flourish as individuals in any other town USA.

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Griffin, GA

This town is a blight on the earth - 2/28/2010

There is nothing to say good about Griffin GA. A former mill town with that same mentality still to this day-even with all the mills defunct. The main employer is Griffin technical college run by an idiot - Robert Arnold- who has numerous complaints filed against him, yet he is still there, who forces his teachers to pass the students through with a "no child left behind mentality". Parents, NEVER send your children here, they lie, steal, and commit educational ethics violations daily if not hourly. The businesses are mom and pop at best except for Wally World. It is 12 miles off the interstate which helped lead to the pathetic demise it is in as far as unemployment goes. You have numerous Holiness'esq churches all around- where one preacher has a cosmetology degree rather than a theological degree and is doing one of his choir members while his wife is in failing health...good times all around. Crime is rampant, equal in fact to Atlanta but smaller scale-the ghetto and housing are equally squallid. You have your small town groups of wannabe's that you cannot infiltrate-as if one would want to for Petes' sake-you know the small fish smaller pond types..? No reason to move to this place, period.

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