Kenai, Alaska

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Kenai, AK

Kenai AK - 10/19/2015

Moving to Kenai AK August 2012, opened doors for new adventures, and fulfilling a life long dream. As a person with a disability, I spent many years attempting to secure work in the lower 48, only to find after moving here the same negative attitude from employers who apparently cannot look beyond the disability to see the ability. Regardless we have been here for since, and purchased a home here last year. After doing so found fuel prices for the vehicle lessened but utility cost increased significantly, therefore our budget is strained to say the least. Having to pay $4.00 for a loaf of bread is inflation to say the least. Buying a roast never cost less then $16 to twenty dollars, and if one eats out just do not expect to pay less than $15 per person. Not only during the tourist season, but year round. No wonder visitors stop coming when they are insulted, robbed and never receive a single "thank you please come again" from the merchants. My most dislike about the region is the level of excuse merchants make regarding consumer inability to purchase products. They treat consumers as if they had no intelligence at all, with mere phrase" Because we are in Alaska" or if ordering via phone "We only deliver to the US states and will not consider Alaska as a state. There is much to love an equally as much to dislike. Careful consideration should be given to relocating the the Nations largest state. Kenai Peninsula is where we live.

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Kenai, AK

Long dark winter, dreary cool and windy summers - 8/2/2008

So, it is Alaska and you might expect as much, but Kenai seems to have more than the average nasty weather days. This past summer has been miserable. We wear jackets at all hours of the day to walk outside ever during end of July and beginning of August. The weather particularly effects Kenai as it sits so close to the Cook Inlet. I can't wait to leave this place.

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Kenai, AK

Windy and cloudy, cold and dark - 8/1/2008

It's Alaska after all, so a person would already expect some degree of cold climate conditions. But Kenai lies close to the Cook Inlet and it's weather comes right off the water. It is generally windier and cloudier and a few degrees colder than other places on the peninsula. It's been a miserable summer with the need to wear jackets outside at almost all times of the day. Even during the usual "warm" months. And then there's the famous dark days of winter. Almost intolerable. And winter is here nearly 8 months! If you don't fish, hunt or snow machine, good luck!

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Kenai, AK

Nanook - 5/30/2006

We are a forested area with glaciers and the best fishing in the world. The largest king slamon caught was here at over 100 lbs. Hunting is also an industry that draws tourists from all over the world.

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