United States / New Mexico / Albuquerque Metro Area / Counties / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Albuquerque, New Mexico

Cool and beautiful little city except for.........
Star Rating - 7/31/2016
Ahh...........quirky, cute, landscape glorious and just downright abstract
little ABQ. I lived there for a month shy of 4 years and wouldn't take back
that time for anything. There's something cosmic about central to northern
NM and if you're asingle man with nothing chained to your feet then this place
is a must. However, you have to be in government work or have a medical degree
or you will NOT make a decent living. New Mexico is 2nd to dead last in job
growth and the fiscally liberal policies keep welfare #1 there. However, if you
have money or a good job there then holy moly can you live a great life. That is unless your idea of living involves sports bars and video games. If you want to get or feel inspired then from anywhere in real albuquerque, most anything east of I-25, you're only within 12 minutes of world class hiking, cross country skiing, rock and mountain climbing and wilderness that is vast and potentially life threatening (always fun when risk is involved) wilderness.
There is virtually no commute and a car is not absolutely a must have in the duke. You can drive from the east most section to the west most section in under 20 minutes. Roadbike trails are endless there as are trails in the foothills for mountain biking.
The year round climate is the best in america..yes it's not my opinion but fact. Well, 2nd to Santa Fe less than an hour away.
Culture within the city: Abq has a brew pub on every corner and sells their
local beers across the country. The food is amazing as are the local markets.
The people: thaaat's where the city falls a little short, but not by much.
There are some craaaazy people in the duke city. Some of the luniest people
i've ever come across are in the high desert town and even though most are
harmless, it wears on you after awhile. There are some laid back cool libertarian types that make up for the PC weirdo communists that ruin ABQ
so it almost balances out. Alot of the population is very unintelligent
and bigoted too.
The Economy: Well, if you want to know why i'm not there anymore. That's
the only reason. There isn't one and the New Mexican way of doing business
is why there isn't one. Albuquerque is a terrible place to do business and
most if not all business owners there have bad attitudes and are incompetent.
The uber-liberal legislature there deliberately drives away business so they
can keep justifying their hand-out from uncle Sam. Other than not being able
to make any money, I don't have really many negatives about Abq and would move
back if they ever had an about face on job creation. Oh well, that's why there's Colorado.

Chris | San Antonio, TX
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1 Replies

It was once what it was knicknamed, The Land of Enchantment. Truly the most magical place we have ever lived and bought our first home here. The beauty was so breathtaking at any moment it could change, as it did hour to hour, month to month, season to season. I have actually had to pull off on shoulder to keep from wrecking for the breathtaking atmospheric phenomena. We had starry skies, open high ways and great New Mexican cuisine, mission churches, water in the rio grande, the smell of pinon fires now overwhelmed by auto exhaust, true traditions, a smaller but well sponsored balloon fiesta, which is now a tacky overpromoted overgrown farce, petroglyphs untouched, all UNTIL the developers found us for the mortgage bubble, raped and scraped the desert bringing all their big corporate crap in their wake. And that was the end of enchantment. I will never forget the life we had here. It was truly magical. When Bush robbed the labs to go to war, and federal funding was cut back we were left to sink. Entirely too much crime per capita. Totally unacceptable.
joanie | Corrales, NM | Report Abuse
- 4/5/2019
I've lived in both cities, Albuquerque Wins!!
I was born in Santa Fe NM in 1969. My father is a retired Army officer, so at 12 years old...
Charles | Albuquerque, NM | 1 Reply

- 12/14/2018
Green Chile
Lived here for 31 years. Loved it....
Orlando | Bosque Farms, NM | No Replies