United States / Florida / Jacksonville Metro Area / Counties / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Jacksonville, Florida

Jacksonville and it's surrounding neighborhoods ar
Star Rating - 7/3/2007
After living in this odor ridden, bug & snake infested, ugly area, I have to tell everyone what a ridiculous city it is. Schools are terrible, including the over rated all white St. John's County schools. They are worse than the city schools, but people here rate by color. Backwards is an understatement. The housing, while it may appear attractive to the unsuspecting home buyer, is pure garbage. The worst construction in the nation, I do believe. All the subdivisions look alike, and because developers have been given free reign here with no regard for infrastructure, production housing is everywhere. It is sad. There isn't any character except for a few older sections of San Marco & Riverside, but crime is the issue here. The biggest problem with the First Coast is the high cancer rates. It is alarming to say the least, allergies and sinus infections also top the charts due to the terrible air quality. The drinking water is extremely hard and smells as well. So lets sum up this town, -- the air you breathe is bad, the water you drink and wash with is bad, health risks are high, housing is shoddy, racial harmony does not exist, schools are terrible, bugs and snakes are everywhere and crime is high. Aren't these the things that define "quality of life"?
jeanne | Lakeland, TN
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