Plug-in your vehicle!
You need to plug-in your vehicle for almost half of the year here. Also you need a remote auto-start if yo don't have what it takes to handle a hard seat at -40F. Be sure to use zero weight oil and multiple viscosity oil for the drivetrain also. Go to Alaskan Tent and Tarp and get a grille cover for your car as driving 50mph has the windchill factor of -88 hitting your radiator when the ambient temperature is at -40F. Even more so if you're a leadfoot.
Summers are like heaven on earth: the irises are fleeting, the tourists abound and there's actual thunder here along with a once or twice a year heavy rainfall. I miss the summers there, especially the Solstice street party when it's in the +90 degree range. When I rode a Harley to work, the Northern Schools Federal Credit Union time&temp sign said +95F and when my ex-girlfriend from Kentucky was here for Xmas, it was easily below 0 and at times -10 to -20 at times. Drove the Jeep Wrangler TJ on the Chena River near Pike's Landing in December and scared her: she's from Louisville,Kentucky (I still miss her at times...) and also saw hoarfrost that looked like flowers when it got below zero at my old job.
I was able to do all of the cold/winter stuff when I PLUGGED IN THE VEHICLE. Do that & you'll be fine there along with some heavy-duty winter clothing.
Gerald | ,