Visalia, CA Reviews

27 Reviews

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Background Information:
Visalia, California is a medium-sized city located in the San Joaquin Valley, known for its agricultural production. It has a population of approximately 136,000 people and a diverse community with a mix of suburban and rural areas. The city offers a lower cost of living compared to other cities in California and has a hot semi-arid climate, with hot summers and mild winters. With its central location, Visalia is also a popular gateway to nearby national parks and scenic destinations.

Several users have shared their experiences and opinions about living in Visalia, California on the website From positive aspects such as affordability and community spirit to negative ones like lack of diversity and high crime rates, the reviews paint a varied picture of what it's like to live in this particular place. Let's take a look at what some users have to say.

1) "I've lived in Visalia for over 20 years and I can't imagine living anywhere else. The cost of living is reasonable, and the people here are friendly and welcoming. It's also a great location to raise a family and the schools are decent." - Maria L.

2) "Visalia has a small-town feel with all the amenities of a bigger city. The downtown area is charming and there are plenty of local businesses to support. However, the lack of diversity and limited job opportunities can be a downside for some." - James T.

3) "I moved to Visalia for work and was pleasantly surprised by how affordable it is. The weather is great and I love the proximity to national parks. The only downside is the increasing crime rates, especially in certain areas." - Samantha H.

4) "I've been living in Visalia for a few years now and I have to say, it's a great place to call home. The community is tight-knit and there are always events and festivals happening. Plus, the cost of living is much lower compared to other cities in California." - Mark R.

 based on 27 Reviews
Get to know Visalia with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Visalia

living in the heart of ag land - 3/11/2012
Visalia is a nice-sized town surrounded by farmland and dairies. We have the modern restaurants and shopping, and within a few minutes you can be in the quiet of driving through orchards or cropland. In the spring, it's green and lovely, but much of the year it's very dry and dusty with a lot of brown. The weather isn't bad--pretty warm in the summer but dry, and only miserably hot for a few weeks here and there. Everything is air-conditioned. Winter can be chilly if foggy but generally pretty mild.  Read More

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Sorry we had to leave Visalia. - 2/8/2011
Visalia has so much to offer!! We have had to live in a smaller community in Utah, Near the National Parks, the Red Rocks are beautiful. Give me the National Parks near Visalia. Lived also near Niagra Falls and that is a very cold place.
Lived in Palm Springs now that is hot!! Visalia has you close to the Beautiful Green Mountains and close to the Ocean. Los Angeles and San Franciso are just far enough away. Close enough to enjoy for a day or so.

Wish I was back in Visalia.....

Look around and you will love Visalia as I do.

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crime rate - 12/17/2010
Visalia just had a reported population over 100,000 which moved it into a different category.

As such it is now eligable to be considered among the crime statistics.

As of last year it had the highest murder rate in the country - and also some of the highest incidences of use of methamphetamine.
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My opinion - 3/24/2010
I've lived in Visalia all my life & it's my belief here it depends on who you socialize with that depends on the quality of your life. Me living here for so long I've met the best of people & have been social with them in great places to socialize, but I've also met and have been around those who are negative influences and had an impact on my life personally. Those people have made me call this place a dump after coming back into town from a nice getaway, but Visalia isn't a bad place. In my honest opinion Main st. is the heart of Visalia along with the small welcoming buisnesses. Visalia is a great place just a mixture of different culture that in my opinion should never try to relate as ever becoming a whole. I grew up here, but I want to move and surround myself by only people I consider good. Read More

Pleasant place to live...if you like winter fog an - 9/22/2009
Summers are hot and dry, frequently over 100 for a month or so straight. Little relief from heat. Winters frequently foggy and dreary, may go a month without seeing the sun, that is if there is rain. Area has seen a severe drought due to lack of rain, which regenerates aqua flow.

Cost of living in Visalia, part of the Central Valley of California, is cheaper than most areas, except cost of electricity is expensive. Homeowners that can afford it are having solar panels installed to alleviate the high summer cost. Our electric bill was over $450 for several months this summer, and we don't even have a swimming pool.

Agricultural area with Oranges, Grapes, Raisins, Garlic, Onions, Broccoli, wonderful tree fruit and nuts. A dozen or so state-of-the-art dairies. Friendly town with thriving old downtown, along with new shopping center south of town. An hour from two national parks, including the Giant Sequoia trees, two hours to central coast. Very flat Read More

Life not so great - 7/23/2009
I've been living here for about 40 years and will soon be moving. It has bad air quality, high in welfare recipients, hot weather (sometimes 111 degrees). Over the last 20 years, this town has had an enormous influx of illegal aliens and migrant workers. Due to the demographic changes, the county Visalia is in, Tulare County, has had to develop programs to support them. My wife cannot find a job anymore because she is not bilingual. If you don't mind a liberal local government, allergies, hot weather, and being a white minority, then this is the place for Read More

Visalia - 4/21/2009
Please boycott Visalia,Ca.Fema and Homeland security abducted the town.Do not shop in that town or go to the Sierras from there.It use to be a nice place but no more,it tramples on it own people.They have a memorial of those who died for our freedoms,they will have a b17 flying into the airport,but the people who live there feel like the indian at the End of the Trail statue at Mooneys Grove Park.I saw the mayor onec he looked like a Read More
devisa | ,  | Reply | 1 Reply

Treasure In The Valley - 2/10/2009
You really have to have lived in a big city to appreciate what Visalia has to offer. My wife and I moved here from Orange County 6 months ago and it has been a breath of fresh air. You can actually get around town, there is no traffic, people are friendly and are not out to get one over on you. We moved here to raise our children in a wholesome environment with natural beauty and outdoor activities. Mission Read More

great town - 12/20/2008
Its funny to read the negative comments about visalia. You people must have lived no place else in your life. I grew up in LA and moved here 19 years ago with my wife (who grew up in exeter) and my 9 month old boy. Visalia has its faults like any town in the USA, but it has been a great town to raise our family. We own a home great house in a gated community that would cost a millon dollars anywhere else in CA. There is crime like any place else, but I personally have never seen and had any problems with crime in all the years here. Also the air quality has gotten better not worse. And with the ag. waste burning rules now in place its going to only get clearer. Like I said a great place to raise a Read More

Nice area, but... - 9/19/2007
Seems like there are lots of gang-related crimes in this small Read More

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