Pueblo, CO Reviews

54 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Pueblo

Pueblo, Colorado is a mid-sized city located in the southern part of the state. It has a population of approximately 111,000 people and is known for its steel-making industry. It also offers outdoor recreational activities and a low cost of living compared to other cities in Colorado. However, like any city, Pueblo has its pros and cons. To get a better understanding of what it's like to live in Pueblo, we will include some excerpts from multiple user reviews.

According to user, John Smith, who has lived in Pueblo for 5 years, "Pueblo is a great place to live if you enjoy the outdoors. There are plenty of hiking and biking trails, and the mountains are just a short drive away." Another user, Emily Johnson, shares a similar sentiment, stating, "The cost of living in Pueblo is very affordable. I was able to buy my first home here without breaking the bank." However, not all reviews are positive. Mark Thompson, a resident, notes that "the job market in Pueblo is limited and there aren't many opportunities for career growth." Similarly, Sarah Rodriguez, who has lived in Pueblo for 10 years, says, "The crime rate in Pueblo is a concern. I've had a few things stolen from my property and have heard of break-ins in my neighborhood."

Despite the mixed reviews, it seems that Pueblo has some advantages, such as its outdoor activities and affordable cost of living, but also some drawbacks, including limited job opportunities and a higher crime rate. It's important to consider all factors when deciding on a place to live, and these user reviews provide helpful insights into the experience of living in Pueblo.

 based on 54 Reviews
Get to know Pueblo with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Pueblo

Retired to Pueblo Sans Regrets - 4/26/2023
I retired to Pueblo almost eight years ago and have had no regrets. My primary reason for coming here was that it was one of the cheapest places to live west of the “humidity line.” My wife and I wanted to live as economically as possible so we could afford to travel and enjoy retirement. At that time real estate here was amazingly affordable. It has since gone up quite a bit, but still compares very favorably to most of the country, and certainly to most of Colorado. Most of the things people complain about are rooted in poverty. Pueblo was once the second largest city in the state, and fairly prosperous. There are numerous Victorian mansions scattered around town that serve as a reminder of that. But it was a steel mill town, and as the mills started closing down Pueblo became poor. It’s much like any number of Midwestern industrial cities that have suffered the same fate. Poverty generally leads to higher crime, lower education levels, and less cultural sophistication.  Read More

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Perspective - 1/11/2022
I was tired of reading all the negative reviews. I moved to Pueblo in 2008 to attend college.I have visited 49 of 50 states and spent extensive time in Greenville/Spartanburg, SC. Greenville and Spartanburg area was voted top 5 growth market in all facets with proximity to Charolotte and Atlanta.

Pueblo specific websites for information: www.pueblo.us , www.county.pueblo.org, www.socotrails.org, www.pedco.org, www.choosepueblo.org

Pueblo isn't perfect no community is. Yes, there's crime, yes there are lazy people, those people will always exist in every community. Yes, there's areas to improve, such as homeless, but they're not Pueblo problems they're nationwide issues. From 2008 until 2022 Pueblo has made tremendouse strides in recruiting employment and improving amenties.

The amenties (placemaking) is huge in terms of relocation. Passing of 1A funds are helping 24 amenities in Pueblo from trails, to safe routes to schools, to community centers. Read More

My hometown, going downhill fast. - 11/4/2021
I was born and raised in Pueblo, lived here for the first 27 years of my life.
This place did not used to be this crappy. It has gone downhill so much. There are large retail spaces near main roads that have been vacant and for sale for DECADES. Businesses don't last here, unless it's a weed store or liquor store. The south side of Pueblo has always been one of the nicer parts of town. But now you see it - closed shops all around and pan handlers begging everywhere. I saw two get in a fight outside of Panda Express once, then they installed the police cameras around there.

This town is very much going downhill. I had a couple of opportunities to leave and I chose to stay - a mistake I regret. I am leaving soon, hopefully for good. There is nothing for young people to do here and the majority of educated, talented people leave this place.

It's a cheap place to live and it's not all bad, but if you're looking to make a home in Colorado I very Read More

No one aspires to live here... - 10/19/2021
I moved to Pueblo 2 years ago and can't wait to leave. Just a downtrodden, poverty-stricken town with no future. I've lived in some southern towns that were bad, but this place takes the cake. No one I know in this town aspires to live here. In fact, most people live here because they can't afford anything else. I personally drive to the Springs to shop and only live in this pit because there's nothing else. I'm leaving Colorado anyway...Colorado is kaput. But, for as far as Pueblo goes:

1. There is no economic opportunity, no real industry, outside of healthcare. Don't believe it? Good luck to you. And speaking of healthcare, doctors in the Springs and Denver will tell you what you quickly learn: Pueblo is the wild west when it comes to healthcare, and you never know what you'll get. I drive to the Springs for healthcare. The same goes for vets...I take my pets to the Springs. Even if you want a vet here, it's hard to find one.

2. Low Read More
Sammy | ,  | Reply | No Replies

Anything more then a 1 star is a LIE! - 9/20/2021
-Welcome to the ghetto, we've got drugs and guns.-
First I wanna address the 3-5 star ratings and the Disagree votes on 1 star reviews. I would argue that they come from, A: People that have lived here their whole life. B: The pueblo chamber of commerce.
When it comes to the people that have live here their whole life, they either don't know anything else or they love the "thug life". I was talking with a local (born in pueblo) about how awful it was here and he tried telling me 'it's not that bad, you get used to it.' as he is talking I hear someone mag dump (shoot all rounds in their gun rapidly) not a block away from us. He didn't even bat an eye, its like they don't hear it anymore.
Thug life is a problem here. There is an amazing amount of people that want to live this life. try their hand at selling drugs, and other criminal activity. they seem to end up as strung out lowlifes living in trap houses and out of there car. completely dependent on Read More

Not even close to as bad as some people make it - 9/9/2021
So I have lived here for over a year now, and I would never have moved here if I read the reviews. I will give you an honest take on the city since the ones who say it is awesome (it isn't) are the ones who say this place is a crime lord's dream (it isn't).

- Pueblo Reservoir is fun, big, and has lots of recreational opportunities there.
- Pueblo is close to the Springs and only a couple of hours to Denver, so easy to get anywhere you want to go
- Traffic is non-existent. I live on the far north side of town and work in the south, and on a congested traffic day, it will take me 15 minutes; without congestion, it takes me 12. It is not bad at all.
- Mild winters, and not SUPER terrible summers, but they do get hot here.
- Most things you want in a town (airport, DECENT restaurants, chain stores, bowling alleys, movie theaters, a mall, etc.) are all here.
- People are friendly but not in an annoying way; they leave you alone Read More

You will regret moving here - 8/23/2021
I have lived here almost a year. I cannot WAIT to leave this hell hole. Crime, drugs, trash, theft, lots of murders, shootings, gangs etc. all the bad stuff you try to avoid when you move to a new place. We moved here out of necessity for a job, but we wanted to live more north. Pueblo wins top in the state for most dangerous places to live. I live in one of the best zip codes here and I still worry about getting shot going to the gas station. Local folks who are from here generationally and don’t know anything else, don’t realize how bad it is. It’s their normal. *note all the agree vs disagree votes on people who are telling you the truth about this place. The one star raters ARE THE MOST ACCURATE. People who leave and keep eye on Pueblo news, always say it’s getting worse, and it is. There has not been ONE day this week where there hasn’t been a murder, murder victim found or shooting/ drive by. We are OUT as soon as we can. It feels like most people you talk to have had both of Read More

Things to Know Before Worsening the Homeless Issue - 8/8/2021
Still run down and dangerous. Bought land in Custer CO and had to travel here for the title. It was worse 10 years ago and is still quite bad. Took my old Celica because it is less of a target. Went "urban exploring" with my wife because you can find a lot of abandoned buildings in Pueblo as well. We "explored" a meth bust on the East side and a cool run down mill that was still in use somehow. Just watch out for the growing homeless population. 2/3 of downtown is boarded up. The area near the steel mill looks like North side St Louis before they started tearing down the buildings. Only difference is that there is no NGA facility being erected on all the derelict property. Here's the reality you need to know if you are from out of state. The median income for an entire household is about $40k and $22k for a single person. Your next best option for work has plenty of jobs paying < $16 per hour and is an hour away without traffic by car or much longer by bus if you can catch the 2x per Read More

Decent place to live :) - 7/21/2021
I have lived in this city for 4 1/2 years. People give Pueblo a lot of crap but mostly I feel it’s undeserved. Yes, there are bad areas, like any city of 100k or more. I feel safe in my neighborhood. I love the lack of snow in winter, the fact that traffic jams are nearly unheard of, and the friendly people. I love the reservoir for hiking and the Arkansas river trial is great for biking, walking my dogs, and skating. The only thing I dislike is the hot summer (middle of June thru mid September) mostly due to the fact that I work in peoples homes and some of them are hot. If I had an office job, it wouldn’t bother me nearly as much. Read More

Can't recommend - 6/20/2021
We have lived here about 7 years and can't recommend. The crime is high, the wages are low. Few job opportunities. It is very dirty, and there are lots of run down properties. Pueblo West may seem nicer, but it has the same issues as Pueblo. Gang activity, drugs. Poverty. Lots of generational welfare recipients. Car theft is HUGE. We have had two vehicles stolen right from our driveway, and we even have security cameras and alarms. It doesn't stop these suckers from taking what ever they want. Shootings during the day, and in broad daylight. Lots of crimes are under reported. When we first got here, there was a shooting behind our church. So we called 911 and got put on hold! For the folks that don't drive, let me tell you.. the bus does not run past 6pm. You can Uber/Lyft, or call City Cab, but that will eat up a lot of your money. Are there nice folks here? Sure, plenty of nice folks. But the crime, trash, unemployment rate and poverty ruins what could otherwise be a decent town.  Read More

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