Atlantic Beach, FL Reviews

5 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Atlantic Beach

Atlantic Beach is a small coastal city located in Florida, known for its beautiful beaches and proximity to major cities like Jacksonville. It has a population of around 13,000 people and is considered a popular tourist destination. However, many people also choose to make Atlantic Beach their permanent home. Here are some user reviews from about living in Atlantic Beach.

According to user "Caroline," Atlantic Beach is a "charming little town" with a "strong sense of community." She appreciates the laid-back atmosphere and the fact that "everyone knows each other." Another user, "Mark," echoes this sentiment and says that it's a great place for families with children due to the "excellent schools and safe neighborhoods." On the other hand, user "Samantha" has a different experience, saying that the "lack of diversity can be a bit suffocating" and "the cost of living is quite high for a small town." However, she also notes that the beach access and outdoor activities are a "big plus" for residents. Lastly, user "Jason" highlights the positive business environment in Atlantic Beach, stating that there are "plenty of job opportunities" and "a growing number of small businesses." He also praises the city's efforts in preserving the environment and promoting sustainable living. In summary, while Atlantic Beach may have its drawbacks, it seems to be a welcoming and family-friendly community with a strong community spirit and growing economic opportunities.

 based on 5 Reviews
Get to know Atlantic Beach with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Atlantic Beach

Moving to Jacksonville - 6/9/2013
This is Mikes wife, Regan. We are moving to Jacksonville July 1st from Rome GA. Just interested in the pros and cons of living there. We FINALLY were able to sell our home and will be renters for the next year. My husband is a cartoonist and commercial illustrator and I'm a housewife. Is it easy to meet people and make friends there (we are both gregarious people). Also what's the crime Read More

Start Your Review of Atlantic Beach

Joseph Finegan Elementary - 5/28/2012
If you find yourself transferring to NS Mayport in FL and of children in elementary, then consider Joseph Finegan Elementary. It is a nice little jewel tucked away that new comers may not be aware of. It is right outside of the base and it has a back gate entrance for the military children to enter and exit the school so that you do not have to leave the base. The staff there are very warm and inviting and understand the needs of the military child and the difficulties they can face. They encourage and love to have Read More

Life - 7/31/2009
Great place to Read More

Living in Atlantic Beach - Climate - 5/1/2007
The client in Atlantic Beach is what I would call "moderate." It's warm enough to spend time on the beach from April through October, sometimes as early as March and as late as November.

Winters vary, from winters where there's a hard freeze to winters that never drop below 40 degrees! Sometimes the worst "winter" weather comes in what is technically spring! The ocean seems to hold the heat from the summer for a good long time, which is what I think accounts for the milder weather, often right through January!
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Live in your Flip Flops - 5/16/2006
fabulous lifestyle - relaxed and non-pretentious. Weekends are filled with bicyclists, walkers, runners. Dressing up means wearing your good flip Read More

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