Tallahassee, FL Reviews

74 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Tallahassee

Tallahassee, Florida is the capital city of the state and is known for its strong education system, vibrant arts and culture scene, and beautiful natural surroundings. It is a popular destination for young professionals, families, and retirees alike. To get a better understanding of what it's like to live in Tallahassee, let's take a look at what some people who have actually lived there have to say. According to user reviews on BestPlaces.net, a website that collects and analyzes data on cities and neighborhoods, many residents have positive things to say about their experience living in Tallahassee. However, there are also some common complaints that should be taken into consideration.

One reviewer, Sarah, highlights the diversity of the city and its friendly atmosphere, saying "Tallahassee is a great place to live, especially for those who appreciate cultural diversity. The people are welcoming and always willing to lend a helping hand." On the other hand, another reviewer named John expresses frustration with the city's job market, stating "Finding a good job in Tallahassee can be tough, especially in certain industries like technology. It's definitely something to consider before moving here."

Another user, Rachel, praises the city's natural beauty and outdoor activities, commenting "I love being able to hike, kayak, and enjoy the outdoors year-round in Tallahassee. The parks and green spaces are well-maintained and a great escape from city life." However, a different review from James mentions the city's lack of public transportation as a downside, stating "Getting around Tallahassee can be a struggle if you don't have a car. The public transportation system is not very reliable and there aren't many bike or pedestrian-friendly areas."

Overall, it seems that residents generally enjoy the lifestyle and sense of community in Tallahassee, but there are also some factors, such as job opportunities and transportation, that should be carefully considered before making a decision to live there. It's always helpful to hear from those who have firsthand experience living in a place, and these reviews provide valuable insight into the pros and cons of living in Tallahassee.

 based on 74 Reviews
Get to know Tallahassee with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Tallahassee

Tallahassee - 3/19/2006
I would like to know why Tallahassee is such a great place to Read More

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Tallahassee Weather - 2/27/2006
Teh humidity during the summer is extremely high and its always very hot. During teh winter it gets pretty cold. Therefore, the good thing about Tallahassee versus the rest of florida is that we do have season Read More

Overall - 2/8/2006
Tallahassee is a nice place to live if you like right wing religious fanatics, noisy, drunk college students, and people with no idea how to drive. On the other hand if you stay out of the college areas or away from downtown it isn't too bad. I moved here 3 years ago was able to buy a nice home for a very reasonable price and carry one a decent life. The people are relatively fiendly but useless if you need advice or information. The biggest disappointment about Tallahassee is its lack of decent shopping. If you are a shopper you will be severly disappointed in this town. Most Tallahasseans view Walmat as their premier retail Read More

Climate - 7/9/2005
Tallahassee has the closest thing to winter you can find in Florida.
Fall and Spring are nice, though often quite warm.
Summers are very uncomfortable, hotter than most of Florida and just as humid. Perhaps the worst part of summer here is that there is almost never any kind of Read More

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