Tallahassee, FL Reviews

74 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Tallahassee

Tallahassee, Florida is the capital city of the state and is known for its strong education system, vibrant arts and culture scene, and beautiful natural surroundings. It is a popular destination for young professionals, families, and retirees alike. To get a better understanding of what it's like to live in Tallahassee, let's take a look at what some people who have actually lived there have to say. According to user reviews on BestPlaces.net, a website that collects and analyzes data on cities and neighborhoods, many residents have positive things to say about their experience living in Tallahassee. However, there are also some common complaints that should be taken into consideration.

One reviewer, Sarah, highlights the diversity of the city and its friendly atmosphere, saying "Tallahassee is a great place to live, especially for those who appreciate cultural diversity. The people are welcoming and always willing to lend a helping hand." On the other hand, another reviewer named John expresses frustration with the city's job market, stating "Finding a good job in Tallahassee can be tough, especially in certain industries like technology. It's definitely something to consider before moving here."

Another user, Rachel, praises the city's natural beauty and outdoor activities, commenting "I love being able to hike, kayak, and enjoy the outdoors year-round in Tallahassee. The parks and green spaces are well-maintained and a great escape from city life." However, a different review from James mentions the city's lack of public transportation as a downside, stating "Getting around Tallahassee can be a struggle if you don't have a car. The public transportation system is not very reliable and there aren't many bike or pedestrian-friendly areas."

Overall, it seems that residents generally enjoy the lifestyle and sense of community in Tallahassee, but there are also some factors, such as job opportunities and transportation, that should be carefully considered before making a decision to live there. It's always helpful to hear from those who have firsthand experience living in a place, and these reviews provide valuable insight into the pros and cons of living in Tallahassee.

 based on 74 Reviews
Get to know Tallahassee with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Tallahassee

Could take off - 1/2/2007
I am a native Floridian and live in central Florida right now.

With all the cookie-cutter suburban sprawl going on around the Tampa to Orlando area, plus the hurricane issues, I am beginning to re-think Tallahassee.

The image of being too conservative and being too small has made me think it was not what I wanted.

But I visited for 5 days during the holidays and was pleasantly surprised. It is very pretty up there and has several attractive neighborhoods to choose from that are not the cookie-cutter variety. What is happening elsewhere in Florida does not appeal to me...I don't want to buy a big, new stucco house on a zero lot because the insurance company won't insure an older house in an older neighborhood.

Found enough restaurants that were cutting edge, innovative, creative culinary places, so that was a big plus. Figure if they have 3-4 very good ones now, it will only get better.

I read some of the comments on Read More

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home in Tallahassee - 12/16/2006
I grew up in Tallahassee and after H.S., "ran-away" to Boston for about 10 years. I've been back in Tallahassee for at least 15 so have gotten a chance to see some of the changes over the years.

It's a beautiful city but is also somewhat small-townish. It's a great city to raise a family in as it is a very family-oriented town, but difficult if you are single and not in college or college-aged. One reason that Tallahassee has grown like it has is that college students who have vowed once they leave Tallahassee never to come back, find themselves coming back here a couple of years after graduating to settle down and have a family, and in doing so, bring the "grandparents" along with them, which enhances the family-orientation of the city.

Unlike a larger town, your not just going to walk down the street and be entertained, unless you like nature and then you'd really appreciate the abundance of natural beauty. For the most part, you have to look for Read More

Tallahassee Pros and Cons - 10/29/2006
Pros- No problem finding a school, church, like to hunt, fish, drink at home unless you are a student. Parks are topnotch. Wonderful trees and the like
Cons- Small town with a big town mentality. Infarstructure is horrible ie most roads, traffic, intown utility bills are stupid high, forget shoping unless Wal-Mart has it. Check out the crime rate- 7, thats like detroit or Clevland. We lived here 3 months and were looking for a way out. If you really want a challenge, be here during any of the college homecomings-a mad Read More

A progressive cultural oasis in the red-state red- - 10/3/2006
I'm not sure where the "too-conservative" comments are coming from. With Jeb in office, if you are working in the higher levels of state government, that may be the case. But the rest of the city is loaded with education-based jobs, of the type you'd expect to see filled with more left-leaning folks. The art, theater, and restaurant scenes are all far richer than you'd expect in a community this size because of Florida State University. "Party school" it may be, but the theater, music, and hospitality programs are world-class, and the city benefits a great deal from all three.

The city also has an amazing parks program and has done a fantastic job of aquiring greenspace and making it accessible for recreation.

That said, yes, it IS as hot and buggy as people say. But that's just the summer. The abundance of gorgeous natural places nearby makes three months a year of hiding out in the air-conditioning more than worth it. Fall and winter aren't bad at all, Read More

Very small, conservative, and bland - 9/25/2006
First of all, Tallahassee is not a city, its a town. One which is run by the schools it boasts and the Capitol. Which makes for a very boring and conservative environment. Real jobs are difficult to find and most major businesses cannot be found in Tallahassee. There is no reason to move here if its not for an education, and even then, there are always other Read More

I have lived in many more desirable cities, yet - 9/20/2006
I find myself here in Tallahassee. Like your commentor Kathy from 5/11/05, (of whom I probably share much in thought), I came here for school (and had a parent and grandparent who were professors here) and got married to someone who owns a business here. I am from Madison, Wisconsin (enough said)and grew up traveling extensively and have lived in various states and countries. I've found myself feeling trapped here for my husband/convienience sake. Although Tallahassee at first look is green and lush, with sleepy charm, collegiate endeavor, and the promise of capital government,if you are of another background in philosophy, you will find the luster wane. I've learned over the years to find the areas/people/hobbies/pursuits I feel akin to, but I wish it was more natural to this area to harbor more inclusiveness, diversity, creativity, and dynamicism. Essentially Tallahassee is an updated old Read More

Good and bad - 9/16/2006
I've lived in Tallahassee for 9 years. Pros? affordable living, beautiful trees, canopy roads, nice parks, a few decent restaurants, great seafood, (mostly) friendly people. Cons? rednecks, overabundance of SUVs, political types (lobbyists, etc), Jeb Bush, heat and humidity, mosquitoes, quality of education (student/teacher ratios are terrible), comparitively low incomes. FSU is pretty much a party school and not exactly a bastion of academic excellence. My husband and I are seriously considering a move to New England for better schools, weather and more things to do. That being said, Tallahassee is the only city in Florida I'd considering living in. Everywhere is is too crime-y, hot, and crowded with terrible traffic. Plus I don't speak Spanish so that pretty much rules out any city south of Read More

Pros and Cons - 8/27/2006
I moved to Tallahassee about 5 years ago from Ohio to pursue a Master's degree at Florida State University. It definitely took time to get used to the different (Southern) culture and climate. I thought Ohio was humid, but Tallahassee takes the cake! Beaches are deceptively far away. This is definitely a "college town" that takes its football (high school and college) VERY seriously. There are terrible drivers in this city! I'm deathly afraid to ride my road bike out on the roads. The cost of housing is alarmingly high for the (lack of) square footage you get, no matter if you're renting or owning.

But with all of this said, there are some pros to living in Tallahassee. The winters are mild. For the most part, the people here are friendly. There are many things to do in the Big Bend area, if you're willing to have an open mind and try new things (i.e. go to a Monster Truck show at the Civic Center, attend the Blue Crab Festival down on the coast, check out the local art Read More

concerned - 8/10/2006
Trying to decide if we should take a job here. We have a family and have some concerns, there are a lot of bad remarks. Is Tallahassee that bad? We do care about weather, good schools, and a safe community. Is it really that hot and buggy? What about hurricanes? Any info would be nice.  Read More

Climate - 8/1/2006
Winters are great down here, but summer is blistering hot with high humidity and biting bugs. Not a whole lot to do here Read More

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