Moscow, ID Reviews

13 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Moscow

Moscow, Idaho is a small city located in the northwestern region of the United States. It is known for its beautiful natural surroundings and a thriving community centered around the University of Idaho. With a population of around 25,000, Moscow offers a small-town feel with access to big-city amenities. Let's take a look at what some users have to say about living in Moscow.

Summarization: Overall, the majority of user reviews about living in Moscow, Idaho are positive. Many people praise the city for its friendly community, beautiful scenery, and access to outdoor activities. However, there are some concerns mentioned about the cost of living and limited job opportunities. Here are some excerpts from four different user reviews:

1. "I absolutely love living in Moscow! The people here are so welcoming and friendly, and the natural surroundings are breathtaking. I am constantly finding new outdoor activities to do, and it's just a short drive to bigger cities for shopping and entertainment." - Amanda S.

2. "Moscow is a great place to raise a family. The schools are top-notch and the community is very family-oriented. However, the cost of living is a bit high, especially when it comes to housing. It can be challenging to find affordable housing in this area." - Steve M.

3. "I moved to Moscow for college and ended up staying after graduation. I love the small-town feel with access to all the amenities I need. There are always fun events happening on campus and downtown, and I feel safe walking around the city at any time of day." - Sarah K.

4. "I've lived in Moscow for 10 years now and have seen it grow and change. While I love the natural beauty of this area, I do wish there were more job opportunities. It can be difficult to find work outside of the university or farming industries. However, the people here are wonderful and the quality of life is great." - John D.

 based on 13 Reviews
Get to know Moscow with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Moscow

not THAT great - 9/10/2011
I've lived in Moscow, Idaho for many years and in several parts of the city. Local farming severely impacts air quality. Expect month long headaches from dust and smoke. City water is overly chlorinated/fluorinated and aphid control is non existent. Small part of population is enlightened, but mostly republican dorks. 3 months out of the year has nice weather. traffic lousy when students are in Read More

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Activities - 7/12/2010
Moscow is not a bad place to live. It is in between to universities. Which means they are party towns for university students. Not much else to do Except
go to Spokane, fish or camping. Not a bad place to raise kids. Crime is low and everyone is friendly.  Read More

MOSCOW CLIMATE - 3/12/2007
This is a beautiful place with a relatively mild climate. The winters can get a little gray, but there are a few days interspersed with the clouds to make it manageable. Summers are clear, dry and Read More

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