Rockford, IL Reviews

54 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Rockford

Rockford, Illinois is a city located in the northern part of the state. It has a population of approximately 145,000 and is known for its manufacturing and healthcare industries. Its cost of living is lower than the national average, but it also has a higher crime rate. The city has a mix of urban and suburban areas, with a variety of parks and recreational activities available. Now, let's take a look at what some users have to say about living in Rockford.

According to user "Sarah R.", Rockford has its ups and downs. She says, "I've lived here my whole life and it's a decent place to raise a family. There are some nice neighborhoods and good schools, but crime is definitely an issue in certain areas." Similarly, "John G." shares his experience, stating, "I've been here for a few years now and it's not as bad as people make it out to be. Yes, there are some problem areas and the job market could be better, but overall it's a decent place to live."

On the other hand, user "Emily H." has a more negative view of Rockford. She says, "I moved here for work and I regret it. The crime is out of control and the city just doesn't feel safe. I also feel like there's not much to do here, especially for young professionals." Another user, "Mark T.", echoes this sentiment by stating, "I've lived in a few different cities and Rockford is by far the worst. It's run down, dirty, and just not a pleasant place to be. I can't wait to leave."

Overall, opinions on living in Rockford seem to be mixed. While some appreciate the lower cost of living and family-friendly areas, others are concerned about the high crime rate and lack of opportunities. It's important for individuals considering a move to do their own research and visit the city to see if it's the right fit for them.

 based on 54 Reviews
Get to know Rockford with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Rockford

Rockford "All American City" - 7/5/2006
We're the Forest City, where you can find affordable homes on tree-lined streets in friendly neighborhoods.

Our central location, with easy access to major highways, rail service and one of the fastest growing airports in the country, makes Rockford a great location for new business development.

We're the home of Illinois' largest music festival, On the Waterfront; Jane, the dinosaur, at the Burpee Museum of Natural History; and we're the hometown of the internationally-known rock group, Cheap Trick.

We have a proud past and an even brighter future. We think you'll find that Rockford is a wonderful place to raise a family or grow your business.
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Hay Jeff, (or anyone) more info please - 6/20/2006
Can you (or anyone)give me more info about rockford? Id'e like a lot more info about how It REALLY is. What is meant by "bad schools" do you mean teacher pay? And, how does the place feel? is it "progressive" or "right wing" are the cop's cool,or are they uptight; on-edge and beat/kill crazy like L.A cop's any and all info would help,the longer the better.Thank's to Read More

Definate good aspects - definate bad aspects - 5/23/2006
Great park district, beautiful area. School system is very poor. Cost of living is moderate except for the schools impact on Read More

rockford illinois - 8/28/2005
It is in my belief that Rockford, Illinois is totally boring. There is not much to do here with your children. The weather is miserable, except the fall season. Crime rate is going up. The city is getting dirtier. The education system is a total failure. They do not invest in our future, the Read More

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