Boston, MA Reviews

122 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Boston

Located on the east coast of the United States, Boston is the capital and largest city of Massachusetts. Known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and top-ranked universities, Boston attracts a diverse population of residents. From young professionals to families, the city offers a unique urban experience with its blend of modern amenities and historic charm. In this particular place, many people have shared their thoughts and experiences about living in Boston on the website Let's take a look at what some of the users have to say about this city.

According to user "JohnP," Boston is a "fantastic city" with "endless opportunities for education, employment, and entertainment." He goes on to say that the city is "beautifully preserved with a mix of old and new architecture" and "offers a great quality of life." Another user, "CarrieS," echoes this sentiment, stating that "Boston is an exciting and diverse city" with a "strong sense of community." She also praises the city's public transportation system, saying it is "efficient and convenient."

In contrast, user "TomG" has a different perspective, stating that "Boston is overrated and overpriced." He cites the high cost of living and traffic congestion as major downsides to living in the city. Similarly, user "JaneD" expresses frustration with the lack of affordable housing options in Boston, saying that it is "difficult to find a decent place to live without breaking the bank."

Overall, it seems that Boston is a city that offers a unique experience for each resident. While some praise its opportunities and community, others criticize its high cost of living and traffic. Ultimately, it is important for individuals to carefully consider their priorities and do thorough research before deciding to live in this particular place.

 based on 122 Reviews
Get to know Boston with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Boston

Jazz and rock'n roll - 5/22/2010
A lot of grass roots jazz and rock'n roll Read More

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To Outsiders, From Boston - 2/21/2010
Enough with the negatives about Boston please. The FACTS are that this city has the best hospitals, education, schools, history, and many other wonderful qualities that other cities lack. Also, the FACTS are that: Bostonians are loud, rude, snotty, close-minded, don't know how to drive or get along w/ anyone outside of the Mass. border, and oh yes...the world does revolve around us. These are all known facts around the if you don't like it, leave or just don't visit at Read More

Charlestown - 2/19/2010
Very "vanilla" living experience. Mix of "townies" and young families is nice. Waaay too many smokers to dodge when walking into the post office or super market. People don't seem to want to be healthy around Read More

Boston Doesn't Care What You Think of It and Neith - 11/29/2009
I lived in and around Boston for 22 years. I got out because of high population, very high cost of living (from food to renting to car insurance to owning a pet to owning a car/house and high income tax, it is a wallet drainer), the impossible winters and the ignorance of the typical Bostonian.

Since leaving almost nine years ago, I realize that although I wouldn't want to go back to live, there are some great aspects to the city and even the attitude of the people.

After living in Michigan, Florida, Nebraska, New Jersey, Maryland/D.C., New Hampshire, and Washington State I can assure you that yes, Boston still possesses the rudest inhabitants and yet, they are real. Rarely do you NOT know where you stand with a native Bostonian. Also, Bostonians can be friendly in their own way - they aren't always bubbly and in your face (although some are) but they take some time to know. I also realize that after people find out I am from Boston, they tend to think they Read More

Housing Prices in Boston & Beyond - 9/23/2009
Boston is a small city, surrounded by smaller cities and townes that are up to 40 miles away. The resession has lower the housing costs in many of the cities and town by as much as 15-20%.

New homes are still being built in the $500k to over $1 MIL cost. Most homes in this price range are in some of the "exclusive suburbs", such as Wesley, Concord and other. The housing sizes for that kind of money start at about 2500 sq.ft, and go up.

MA towns rely on the homes property taxes to survive. There are no "county" taxes, but each town sets it's own tax rate, which can differ for commerical property vs. private residents.

I live ~40 miles west of Boston, in a 1800 sq.ft 2 story colonial home, public water & sewer, in a town of ~ 5,000 people. Volunteer Fire Dept, full time police. 3 out of 4 schools are new and shared with the neighboring school. The house is currently assessed for ~ $350,000, and taxes are $4,300 / Read More

living - 9/20/2009
Tell me about the Boston Read More

Craptastic! - 9/7/2009
Now I can wait for the Ivy League elites to let me know I'm beneath them because "craptastic" isn't a word and only the most brilliant can really appreciate all that is Boston. Well, Boston is a great place to visit and a lousy place to live. (Boston is similar to Chicago on that regard.)

Go to Boston and enjoy the history, the decent food, Fenway and a little culture--and enjoy teasing the snobs while you're at it. Then leave it all behind. The locals are generally a joyless bunch of hard Left, over-educated twits who pride themselves on voluntarily being overtaxed and underserved. That's just the way utopias should be. Everyone should be equally miserable and they better like it.

If you must live in New England and if you must work in Boston, get as far out as you can while still being able to tolerate the Read More

cost of living - 7/30/2009
Boston can be an expensive place to live. It's most affordable to live with several roommates and it can be pretty pricey to live by Read More

My Experiences in Boston - 7/23/2009
This is a place for the rich or people with government assistance. Im a Computer Consultant and had one of the best jobs at a hedge fund in Boston making $150,000 a year. Still was having a hard time paying bills even after moving to a marginal area near Jamaica Plain. Rent hitting you hard, electric bills in the winter at $600 a month for 700 sq feet place.
Rats and skunks in the back yard on top of all that, to send your dogs running! The people living in the projects downtown Boston were living better than me!

If you have kids, don't let them miss more than three days of school for any reason, or you will be at the court house. If they are sick, they have to go to school and the nurse will send them home. You go to that court house twice, the state of Boston can take custody of your kids!

The teachers were thugs at the schools in Boston. If you cannot afford private schools, your kids live in fear of the teachers, guns, and drugs.
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Boston is so overated - 7/13/2009
Boston is ok to visit for like one day, after that I was so over it! It is true, people from Boston are miserable for some odd reason, rude, loud, and they still can't get over the fact that the Red Sox suck! The weather is both horrible and scary, who wants to live here in winter? The driving is enough to give you a migraine for a week! Aren't there driving schools in Mass.? Maybe they think their just above everyone else on the road. Another strange thing is everyone stays in their own race group, people try to make Boston seem so deverse, I disagree. On a scale of 1-10 Bean Town gets Read More

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