Newark, NJ Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Newark

Newark is a city in New Jersey known for its diverse population, vibrant arts scene, and historical significance as a major port city. However, the city has faced challenges in recent years due to high crime rates and poverty levels. In order to gain a better understanding of what it's like to live in Newark, we will summarize and include excerpts from user reviews on

Some users on have shared their experiences living in Newark, providing insight into the city's unique qualities. One reviewer, "John from Newark," praises the city's diversity, stating, "The people here come from all walks of life and it's great to see such a melting pot." Another user, "Samantha from New Jersey," highlights the city's rich history, saying, "Newark has so much history and character, it's like living in a living museum." On the other hand, "Mark from Newark" expresses concerns about crime, stating, "Safety can be a concern in certain areas, so it's important to be cautious." And finally, "Lisa from New Jersey" shares her positive experience with the city's arts and culture scene, stating, "There's always something exciting happening in Newark, from art exhibits to concerts and festivals."

 based on 26 Reviews
Get to know Newark with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Newark

Horrible city - 5/27/2021
Newark is straight garbage. Read More
David | ,  | Reply | 2 Replies

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Ironbound is crime ridden and police and politican - 8/8/2015
Newark's Ironbound is extremely dangerous, there is a lot of crime, the police are just good at hiding it. It usually doesn't happen on Ferry St., but does 1/2 block off Ferry St., where you might park your car. I have lived in Newark's Ironbound, in the center of the Ironbound, in the "safest" part for 8 years. I have never been robbed anywhere, but here was robbed and assaulted by three gun-wielding robbers that jumped out of a late model Mercedes after carjacking it a few blocks away. I live in a very "safe" part of the Ironbound, and people are robbed and knocked unconscious, every few weeks outside one local business. The police act like they take reports, but don't file them to improve crime statistics. Speaking Portuguese is irrelevant, there is no community here.

The problem starts with the corrupt politicians that only look to line their pockets at the public trough. Walk into any Precinct House and you will see the average policeman weighs over 300 Read More

Crime - 4/12/2013
I have worked and lived in Newark for 20 years. I raised 3 children. Two of my children went on to college, graudated with Accountant Degree and the other one in Nursing. My son did not go to college but is a druck driver. I raised those children and taught my kids good family values. I taught them to repsect teachers, police officers etc.It saddens me to see the way Newark is now. You can barely walk to the bus stop to go to work in fear you may be robbed or killed.They robbed and shot my son 8 times. My daughter they tried to car jack. It's really bad and the sad part is it's black on black crime. You have 16yr old kids riding around with shotguns robbing and killing people It's not Newark, it's the people in it. Martin Luther King Jr would be deeply saddened to see his people act like Read More

Crime - 4/12/2013
I have worked and lived in Newark for 20 years. I raised 3 children. Two of my children went on to college, graudated with Accountant Degree and the other one in Nursing. My son did not go to college but is a druck driver. I raised those children and taught my kids good family values. I taught them to repsect teachers, police officers etc.It saddens me to see the way Newark is now. You can barely walk to the bus stop to go to work in fear you may be robbed or killed.They robbed and shot my son 8 times. My daughter they tried to car jack. It's really bad and the sad part is it's black on black crime. You have 16yr old kids riding around with shotguns robbing and killing people It's not Newark, it's the people in it. Martin Luther King Jr would be deeply saddened to see his people act like Read More

Life in Newark, NJ - 8/30/2012
I've lived in Newark for 24 years. In that time, I've been mugged more than 5 times, 3 of which are on record. I've been stabbed at work, also on record (no compensation). I've had my apartment burglarised, on record (no compensation). Two of my cars were stolen, a saturn and a Dodge caravan both were junked as a result of the extensive damage. My Subaru was vandalized. The caravan was broken into 5 more times since it was stolen and after I had to pay Dente Brothers $300 just to get it back thanks to Newark's finest (police deparment). My son's car was stolen while downtown shopping. My son was stabbed. We hear gun shots all of the time and see drug dealers and transactions regularly. Our backyard is a dumping ground for stolen cars of which the police come weeks and months later to pick them up. In June 2012, a woman's body was found dead, two doors away in a vacant townhouse. She was abducted in Jersey city three days prior. Then Newark Housing Authority finally Read More

Dangerous? - 5/8/2011
I'm from Georgia, my husband grew up in Newark. We visit there often to see his daughter, cousins, uncles, ect. I like it there, I've never been mugged or shot at, everyone I meet is real friendly and I've walked to the store at night by myself without any problems. Maybe the media has given this town an unfair bad name? The main thing I did miss up there,was hearing crickets and cicadas sing at Read More

Newark/ Brick City- A diamond in the rough - 6/29/2010
I lived in Newark for a short time in the Ironbound and now I live nearby. I had a great time there-some of the happiest, most fun-loving people. The neighborhood has superb restaurants (mainly Portuguese, Brazilian, Ecuadorian food)and some nice dance clubs . There are a lot of great things happening thanks to community groups (like ICC). The Passaic River clean-up is a billion dollar government project that will restore habitat and create riverfront walkways. There are excellent parks in every ward, most notably Branch Brook park on the Northside which draws tourists to the Cherry Blossom Festival. The Newark Conservancy and Project Use are both involving kids in the Renaissance.
The Rutgers Law School and Seton Hall Law School, NJIT and UMDNJ all have a partnership. The historic downtown area has a lot to offer: one of the best libraries on the east coast, a top-notch art museum and there are nearby outlet malls. The PAC center is hosting the nation's largest poetry fest in Read More

Newark is a great place to live - 6/28/2010
I didn't grow up in Newark-but I lived in the Ironbound section- it's a great neighborhood. The restaurants are superb! The city is well planned with parks in the different wards; the best sections are the Ironbound ("called Down-Neck") Forest Hill, Vailsburg and University area, the Weequaic area also has community pride for mainly black middle-class residents. The North-side is mainly hispanic. The parks are well maintained and there are concerts and programs. The light-rail, PATH trains, etc can connect you to New York City, shore, mountains etc. The clean-up of the Passaic River should add some nice riverwalks. But the best thing about Newark is the people; they are really fun-loving. There are outdoor street fairs, shopping is diverse (nearby outlet malls, IKEA etc.)If you like a bargain-check out the Broad St. shops. There's a lot of historical buildings around the university- and the library and museum are great. The state should put more money into reducing the diesel truck Read More

Newark - 5/25/2010
I only go to Newark for the aiport. Even that is scary, This place is a text book definiton of ghetto. You cant walk into newark without finding some sort of corpse,drug dealer,or someone stealing a Read More

living and working in Newark - 9/7/2009
I grew up in Newark in the 40s and 50s it was a place to live and have fun in relative safety. Something happened in the late 60s to change that, it was called the riots. Somehow, in spite of what present city leaders want you to believe, the city never fully recovered. I spent over a quarter of a century as a police officer in Newark and when i retired there were still vacant lots in parts of the city that had once held homes and businesses before the riots. Newark in the minds of the city leaderw may be in a revival but i would not walk certain streets at night. I was asked many a time how i could be a police officer in Newark, my response was how could you be in Newark and not be a police officer, crime was constant all around every Read More

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