Clarksville, TN Reviews

37 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Clarksville

Clarksville, Tennessee is a growing city located in Montgomery County. It offers a mix of suburban and rural areas, with a growing economy and an affordable cost of living. The city is home to many military families due to its close proximity to Fort Campbell. With its small-town charm and strong community, Clarksville has attracted many new residents in recent years. However, as with any city, there are both positive and negative reviews from those who have chosen to call it home.

According to user reviews on, many people have positive things to say about living in Clarksville. One reviewer, named John, mentions the "friendly and welcoming community" as one of the best things about the city. He also notes the "abundance of outdoor activities" and "low cost of living" as major perks. Another user, Rachel, highlights the "strong sense of community" and "great schools" as reasons why she loves living in Clarksville.

However, not all reviews are glowing. Some reviewers express frustration with the traffic and lack of public transportation. As one user, Jessica, puts it, "Traffic can be a nightmare, especially during peak hours. And if you don't have a car, good luck getting around." Another reviewer, Maria, mentions the "limited job opportunities" as a downside to living in the city.

Despite these criticisms, many still consider Clarksville to be a great place to live. As one user, Sarah, states, "I have lived here my whole life and I wouldn't want to call any other place home. The people are kind, the cost of living is affordable, and there's always something to do." Overall, it seems that the pros of living in Clarksville outweigh the cons for many residents.

 based on 37 Reviews
Get to know Clarksville with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Clarksville

Clarksville - A college town full of friendly peop - 5/6/2009
Clarksville hosts Austin Peay University. Has terrific real estate values. Exceptionally friendly people, who have an honest smile when they say hello. We moved here from the east coast when we retired to take advantage of the lower cost of living, and the lower cost of housing compared to the east coast. Clarksville is close to the Fort Campbell Army base in Kentucky, and you can say the war comes home here. Clarksville hosts a festival every year to thank the fighters for our Read More

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Education in Clarksville - 9/3/2008
The biggest disappointment about living in Clarksville is the education Read More

Clarksville/Ft. Campbell Area - 4/27/2008
We moved to Clarksville in 1992 when my husband was selected to stand up 526 Support Batallion. At that time they were converting Discom to forward support batallions. We loved the area and decided to retire in this area. I have been doing Real Estate since 1988 starting in Northern Virginia and then moving to Ft. Stewart, GA and finally to Clarksville/Ft. Campbell area. We had planned to retire in Northern Virginia however after moving to Clarksville we realized there would be a better quality of life in Clarksville to raise our kids, cost of living and housing is very reasonable, if you are retired military you are close to military facilities, there is not a state tax and if you need more than what Clarksville offers Nashville is only an hour away. The spring and fall here are absolutely gorgeous compared to other areas we have lived. Clarksville is a large city with a population over 140000 to date and still growing however it has a small time feel. It is easy to get involved in Read More

Seeking info regarding employment/ "green" employm - 3/30/2008
I am a single mom looking to relocate, and the dept. of labor stats show the Clarksville unemployment rate to be pretty high; also, from others' comments it appears the pay rate is pretty low. Any hopes for a gal who just wants send her youngest off to college (we're in the Pell grant socioeconomic bracket) and take a weekly hike to rejuvenate? I don't need to make tons of money, but I don't want to starve either. And what about race relations, gangs, drugs, etc? Any comments would be Read More

Army town - 3/3/2008
Typical Army town, but close to Nashville, STL, and a lot of other cities. Not bad as far as Army towns go, there seem to be less strip bars, but just as many tattoo parlors and lending Read More
Shawn | ,  | Reply | No Replies

2007 One of the Best Real Estate Years in Clarksvi - 1/31/2008
The national media has tried to convince us of how bad the real estate market is, with all the foreclosures and trouble in the subprime mortgage business, but 2007 will be remembered as one of the best real estate years in Clarksville's history with over 4,000 homes sold.

Fort Campbell is a very important part of our community and we miss them any time they deploy, but unlike the first Gulf War with the uncertainty over the length of deployment, today families tend to stay in Clarksville knowing when their loved one will be home at a given time.

Industry plays a major role in the vitality of our town and I believe we have a robust, mixture of industry, and I'm pleased to see our local political leaders being aggressive in the pursuit of new industry.

With a great relationship with Fort Campbell, a good industrial base, aggressive industrial recruiting, coupled with contained low interest rates and positive recognition nationally such as the Read More

Cost of Living - 11/1/2007
Growing up in California, Clarksville is a huge change. The cost of living out here is so affordable. As a young couple, my husband and I have been able to but a house that I don't think we could ever afford on the West Read More

Seeking more information. - 5/3/2007
I am considering moving to Clarksville in a few years. I've been checking out the job market, particularly with Tenneessee State government. The wages seem rather low, in some cases comparable to the minimum wage. Is this par for the course in Clarkesville or are there other well paying organizations in the area for college Read More

Weather in Clarksville? - 3/26/2007
We're looking at places to relocate and are wondering if "big" storms (tornadoes, hurricanes & such) are something to be much concerned about in the Clarksville area?

We read about some tornadoes in the '90's but can't find much else. Thanks in Read More

My Home Town - 1/1/2007
I've lived in the Clarksville area all my life. I've watched Clarksville grow from 15,000 to over 100,000 people. Clarksville is not perfect, but all in all it's a great place to live, a place you can take pride in calling Read More

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