Clarksville, TN Reviews

37 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Clarksville

Clarksville, Tennessee is a growing city located in Montgomery County. It offers a mix of suburban and rural areas, with a growing economy and an affordable cost of living. The city is home to many military families due to its close proximity to Fort Campbell. With its small-town charm and strong community, Clarksville has attracted many new residents in recent years. However, as with any city, there are both positive and negative reviews from those who have chosen to call it home.

According to user reviews on, many people have positive things to say about living in Clarksville. One reviewer, named John, mentions the "friendly and welcoming community" as one of the best things about the city. He also notes the "abundance of outdoor activities" and "low cost of living" as major perks. Another user, Rachel, highlights the "strong sense of community" and "great schools" as reasons why she loves living in Clarksville.

However, not all reviews are glowing. Some reviewers express frustration with the traffic and lack of public transportation. As one user, Jessica, puts it, "Traffic can be a nightmare, especially during peak hours. And if you don't have a car, good luck getting around." Another reviewer, Maria, mentions the "limited job opportunities" as a downside to living in the city.

Despite these criticisms, many still consider Clarksville to be a great place to live. As one user, Sarah, states, "I have lived here my whole life and I wouldn't want to call any other place home. The people are kind, the cost of living is affordable, and there's always something to do." Overall, it seems that the pros of living in Clarksville outweigh the cons for many residents.

 based on 37 Reviews
Get to know Clarksville with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Clarksville

It's not much but it's like most typical army town - 12/24/2012
I've lived here for 2 1/2 years starting may 2010, deployed for 10 1/2 months of that time. Clarksville is like most military towns, it's kind of run down, although they have a very small downtown that is not bad, most of the city is along 41a or along wilma rudolph boulevard, that would be where most of the action takes place. Clarksville does have a mall, 2 movie theatres, 3 walmarts and a Target, not exactly booming but it has the essentials. Around post it's an absolute dump, all the businesses and housing looks so grubby, beat down and ghetto it makes you wish you were stationed somewhere else bedides ft campbell, but this being my 1st duty station I had no choice in the matter. There's some restaurants and pubs mostly by the mall and a few downtown, but after a few weekends of that you've seen everything in clarksville and then your counting the days til your out of this place. The unfortunate thing is it rains constantly here, I wondered why ft campbell was the highest military Read More

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good place - 10/7/2011
clarksville tenn was alot smaller when we moved here 22yrs ago. there are more things for kids to do. the schools arent terrible, alot of family functions. i wish there were more (small town) type community evenys. but all in all, not so bad. very close to ft campbell army base, so a large variety of backgrounds. close to nashville as well, so many things to do with the Read More

poor city to live in - 8/3/2011
looking to move. pop was 80k when we moved here and now over 125k (in just a few short years) with possible 25k-50k more service people moving in. city support hasn't grown to keep up, water/electric/sewer etc. police/fire protection in the county barely exist. it's one of these 'good ole boy towns'. being the '5th' largest town in the state but as very little activity for young kids, no major water park, intertainment center for different ages. you want to eat or sleep plenty of places for that. shopping center doesn't have full blown stores,local owned places are best places. getting from one area of town to the other takes you all over the place, road system way out of date, not enough major roadway, roads are not wide enough to handle the traffic. widen one east/west road few years back to four lane and already overloaded. area depends to much on military to keep it Read More

Great Place to Live - 7/6/2011
I have lived in Clarksville 31 years. I originally came from New York City. My child grew up here and now my granddaughter. The cost of living is extremely affordable, average rent of a two bedroom apt is $750. Average cost of a home is about $150,000 new construction! The jobmarket is very spread out but Clarksville has landed one of the largest and most progressive companies, Hemlock Semiconductor Corp, part of Dow Corning. This billion plus plant will hire from the community and Austin Peay State University has installed a chemical engineering facility to teach the skills needed to work at this plant. They will manufacture chemical materials needed in the production of solar panels. This is only one of many plants here in Clarksville. It's also a great place for retirees because all of the necessary health care is here or in Nashville, 50 miles away. The county is 583 sq miles and within 500 miles of 2/3rds of the country. This is a very central location for those whose children Read More

County Living - 11/4/2010
Affordable,low Read More

Quslity of Life - 9/2/2010
Clarksville, Tn is at the confluence of two rivers,the Cumberland and Red. It is the 5th largst city in the state of Tennessee and has a very stable economy thanks in part to Ft Campbell,Ky. Home of the 101st Airborne Div of the US Army which is located on the border between Tennessee and Kentucky. Clarksville has Austin Peay State University and OVC school, and other junior and technical colleges. Hemlock Semiconductor Corp, a subsidiary of Dow Corning , is building a billion dollar plant to manufacture solar panels. We are within 500 miles of two thirds of the country. We have art, shopping, museums, theaters, restaurants, hiking and biking. Parks and pools. We have a brand new 170 million dollar regional medical center, Gateway Hospital and we are 1 hour from Nashville, Vanderbilt, St. Thomas, Baptist and Centennial Hospitals as well as Opryland Hotel, Ryman Auditorium and many favorite excellent restaurants and entertainment. Take a look at us. We have the youngest population in Read More

Definetly not what we expected - 8/4/2010
The place has its ups and downs.I do like Clarksville, job situation is a whole nother story. We moved across the country to here reading all comments and researching the place and discovering all on this website. It says the unemplyment is lower here then the national average. Maybe so, but, if it is true then maybe I can get one? And maybe get one that pays? The only job after almost a month of looking and calling, going to business after business nothing has come up except one place. It was a restaurant that wanted me to be a server. That doesn't bother except the little part of how much they offer to pay here. It was no more than 20hrs a week no overtime and here is the real kicker, $2.13 hourly. And if you want to stay there then you better get tips and keep your quota up or they will remove you from that position and give you less hours. That is their story that I have come accross is that people here are not willing to pay a living wage if they are willing to even give you a Read More

20 minute drive - 6/5/2010
Clarksville and Montgomery County is very spread out. You will find a 20 minute drive to get to most places. The time of day will determine to traffic congestion. Just put this into your planning and you will adapt. Also, the city has some public transportation, but I have not used the Read More

Family - 2/3/2010
Clarksville is growing and a great place to raise a family. Clarksville is the sates 5th largest city landing the largest corperate headquarter relocation in the states history.
We are the home of the 101st Screaming Eagles with the Army. We are a diverse melting pot and proud home of our Army neighbors. The largest mall in America is being planned 10 minutes north of us an the city and county are revitalizing Riverside Dr leading to a prosperous downtown and Franklin St.
We have the quickest growing unversity in the state with Austin Peay State University. We are a bedroom community and better value to Nashville 45 minutes southeast of Clarksville.
Check us out on the Read More

TN - boring - 1/18/2010
Living in TN - boring - no sidewalks - many areas are run down and the cities lack the money to keep the areas up.
Been here only a short time but have seen the KKK in the flesh - even on a military base.
If you like to raise your kids secluded that is the area to raise them.
If you are retiring - no kids - that's the place to be. Low cost living and you get your money's Read More

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