Greeneville, TN Reviews

4 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Greeneville

Greeneville, Tennessee is a small town located in the northeastern part of the state. It is known for its scenic views, historical sites, and friendly community. With a population of just over 15,000, it offers a small-town atmosphere with easy access to larger cities like Knoxville and Asheville. The following user reviews from provide insights from individuals who have lived in Greeneville, sharing their experiences and opinions about the town.

According to John D., "I've lived in Greeneville for over 10 years and it's been a wonderful place to call home. The people here are kind and welcoming, and the cost of living is very affordable." This sentiment is echoed by many other reviewers who also appreciate the friendly community and affordable living in Greeneville.

On the other hand, Christina S. shares a different perspective, saying "I moved to Greeneville a few years ago and have had a difficult time adjusting. There's not much to do here and it feels like everyone knows each other." This highlights the potential downside for some individuals who may not enjoy a close-knit community or prefer more urban amenities.

Another user, Robert M., praises the town's natural beauty, stating "Greeneville is surrounded by stunning mountain views and has several parks and hiking trails to explore. It's a great place for outdoor enthusiasts." This is a common theme among reviewers who appreciate the town's scenic location and access to outdoor activities.

However, Jessica B. brings up a concern about the job market in Greeneville, saying "While I love living here, it can be challenging to find employment opportunities. Many people have to commute to nearby cities for work." This reflects a common issue for smaller towns, where job opportunities may be limited compared to larger cities.

In summary, the reviews on indicate that Greeneville, Tennessee offers a friendly community, affordable living, and beautiful scenery. However, some individuals may find the town to be too small or face challenges with job opportunities. Overall, these insights from actual residents provide valuable information for anyone considering living in Greeneville.

 based on 4 Reviews
Get to know Greeneville with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Greeneville

Quaint town - 2/23/2024
Greeneville is a quaint small town with strong historical roots and identity. They believe in keeping history alive, and rather than tear down old buildings, they are slowly renovating them, which adds to the charm. Thankfully, the mindset is to keep history and culture alive, rather than tear things down and build hideous high-rises. I have found the citizens to be pleasant, friendly, polite, and very patriotic. The stores you shop in are so quiet you can hear a pin drop, because people don't talk loudly , nor are they talking on cell phones at an excessive level, if at all. Sorry out of towners, but you can be spotted a mile away by the volume at which you speak. You will stick out like a sore thumb. Along with your blue tooth ear buds.
I have found the locals to be so polite, it's amazing. They don't barrel past you in the store aisles, cut you off on the roads or in stores, they say please and thank you, and are amazingly courteous. I have seen "non-locals" Read More

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Nuances of "Climate" - 11/21/2015
Sperling shows average Jan. low of 25. It's been getting colder. We had temps below zero the last two winters. An average might be 23, but you should know there will be much colder nights too. Air Quality needs some comment also: We are sometimes called The Allergy Capital of the Country and although that is surely an exaggeration, we certainly do have an extremely large number of airborne allergy triggers here. Drug-related crime is rampant. DUI's, driving on suspended license, and especially driving without insurance is especially high, although the state is finally making a move toward forcing drivers to insure. This is, as reported, a highly religious and distinctly Republican Read More

Pointless - 4/22/2012
Seems like people here are happy just surviving. Very little initiative or interest in anything more than doing the very least effort to maintain. Read More

Cost of Living - 3/6/2008
I just recently moved to Greeneville from another state that is much more exprensive housing-wise. Greeneville is marginally better in that respect but the cost of utilities is outragious. The groceries is about average and gasoline is the same everywhere. Medical is about par for most places I have been Read More

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