Mesquite, TX Reviews

6 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Mesquite

Mesquite, Texas is a city located just east of Dallas, known for its affordable housing and diverse community. It has a population of around 150,000 and offers a suburban feel with many restaurants, parks, and shopping options. However, like any city, it has its own unique pros and cons. In order to gain a better understanding of what it's like to live in Mesquite, let's take a look at what some residents have to say in their user reviews.

According to user "JenK" on, Mesquite is a great place to raise a family. She says, "I've lived here for over 10 years and have found it to be a safe and family-friendly community. The schools are top-rated and there are plenty of community events and activities to keep kids entertained." This review highlights the family-friendly atmosphere and good school system in Mesquite.

On the other hand, user "JohnD" has a slightly different perspective. He writes, "I moved to Mesquite for a job opportunity and have been disappointed. The cost of living is affordable, but the job market is limited and the commute to Dallas can be brutal." This review sheds light on the limited job opportunities in Mesquite and the potential for a longer commute to a larger city for work.

Another user, "AmyS," praises the city's diversity and cultural offerings. She states, "I love the diversity in Mesquite, you can find people from all walks of life here. Plus, there are many cultural events and festivals throughout the year that showcase different cultures and traditions." This review highlights the positive aspects of diversity and cultural events in the city.

However, not all reviews are positive. User "SamH" shares, "I've lived in Mesquite my whole life and have seen it change and decline over the years. The crime rate is high and there isn't much to do here. I'm looking to move to a safer and more exciting city." This review brings attention to the city's crime rate and lack of entertainment options.

Overall, these user reviews show that Mesquite has its own unique blend of positives and negatives. It offers a safe and family-friendly community with good schools and diverse cultural offerings, but also has limited job opportunities and a higher crime rate. It's important for individuals considering a move to Mesquite to weigh these factors and decide what is most important to them.

 based on 6 Reviews
Get to know Mesquite with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Mesquite

City of Mesquite has no regard for resident safety - 8/4/2019
The City of Mesquite, TX has a big problem with overlooking serious problems involving safety of the roads and drunk drivers.
There has been numerous accidents and property damage at the corner of Motley and Oates. On this corner sits a apartment complex that has seen far too many accidents to count. These accidents have resulted in damages to landscaping, buildings, signs, fences and vehicles. There are no safety prevention barriers along the sides of the streets here.
The accidents are mainly due to this street being a curve that drivers feel they can speed around with no consequences. When it rains it makes a recipe for disaster. Drivers slide, spin and bounce off curbs and over medians. Some fly into the parking lot of the apartments. Even when there has not been rain there are drivers going way over the speed limit and have lost control of their vehicles. Resulting in more damages to property.
Now add in drunk drivers that miss the curve completely and run into Read More

Start Your Review of Mesquite

Too far of a distance!! - 9/22/2014
Everything is soooo spaced out which I hate the most coming from the Midwest where everything is about 15-20 minutes away. I live in Mesquite which is where people with "low finances" are. There is no public transportation close by and no recreations close by. You must have a car to live here. Nicer areas are in North Texas or on the way to North Texas, but its still more like the suburbs nearly everywhere you go. Even the "inner city" really isn't that attractive as far as recreation and activities go in my opinion. Texas gets extremely hot in the summer times which is horrible! I lived here for a little over 2 years now and I have to say it is not all that great as some people parade about. No disrespect to Texans Read More

Mesquite - Who Cares? - 5/10/2009
Mesquite, TX will not even enforce their own documented travel policies against violators consisting of some former and current (2009) council and staff. Although notified in 2005 of a possible irregularity, it took the recent release of an SEC investigation of their bond firm to force repayment of travel & entertainment of family members and extended duration the members forced the company to accept on their behalf and treat as expenses of the sale of bonds. Just perform a search on "mesquite tx council travel". The citizenry was so engaged, they just reelected the Mayor and a councilmember who were required to Read More

Low cost of living - 9/15/2008
Mesquite, TX has a Low cost of living compared to the rest of the US as a Read More

Lived in Mesquite for 6 years-no problems - 9/10/2008
I kindly disagree with the Australian writer. I have lived in Austin, San Antonio, San Marcos, Georgetown, Dallas and New York City. My neighborhood is VERY safe, in fact, I feel safer in Mesquite than any of the above cities. My neighborhood is composed of police officer, bankers, medical professionals, pilots, small business owners and school teachers. I can walk my dogs in my neighborhood at 2 a.m. and feel completely safe unlike any of the above mentioned cities. I have the best neighbors as well.

I haven't found any problem with the air quality--Dallas and Austin are SO much worse.

Mesquite is composed of unpretentious, hard-working Americans. I feel it a good place to live.Read More

Not the safest place - 6/8/2006
We recently moved from Mesquite, TX to Newcastle, Australia for a year or more. We enjoyed the proximity to work and recreation in Mesquite, but felt uncomfortable with the amount of crime in the area. There are pockets of medium to high value houses in the area that are surrounded by low value houses which means that crime is not confined to a specific area of the city. We were also really turned off by the excessive power that the property management holds for certain housing areas, specifically Read More

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