Sherman, TX Reviews

4 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Sherman

Sherman, Texas is a city located in the northeastern corner of the state, known for its small-town charm and historic downtown area. With a population of just over 40,000, Sherman offers a variety of amenities and activities for residents, including parks, restaurants, and cultural events. However, like any place, it has its pros and cons. In order to gain a better understanding of what it's like to live in Sherman, let's take a look at several user reviews from

According to user "John", who has lived in Sherman for over 20 years, the city has a strong sense of community and friendly neighbors. He states, "Sherman is a great place to raise a family. The people here are so welcoming and there's always a sense of belonging." Similarly, "Emily" shares that she loves the affordability of Sherman, stating, "The cost of living here is much lower than other cities I've lived in, which makes it easier to save money and enjoy life." These reviews highlight the positive aspects of living in Sherman, emphasizing its family-friendly atmosphere and low cost of living.

On the other hand, "Mark" expresses some concerns about the job market in Sherman. He shares, "Finding a good job here can be a challenge, especially if you're looking for something in a specific field." Another user, "Sarah", echoes this sentiment, stating, "While I appreciate the small-town feel, there aren't many opportunities for career growth here." These reviews shed light on a potential downside to living in Sherman, as job opportunities may be limited in certain industries.

Overall, the majority of user reviews about living in Sherman are positive, with many praising the city's community and affordability. However, it's important to consider the potential challenges of finding employment in Sherman. As user "John" sums it up, "Sherman may not be perfect, but it's a great place to call home."

 based on 4 Reviews
Get to know Sherman with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Sherman

Not much going on here... - 12/4/2019
I'm a sub in the school system and boy is it an eye opener! A LOT MORE MONEY needs to be spent here. There are so many people with very little education, few good places to eat or shop. Everyone who can, goes to the dfw area as there is very little good big name concerts, etc. Also the people stats CANNOT be correct from what I see in the schools...a lot more discipline is needed!! I am probably moving soon and can't wait!!
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Cost of Living - 10/23/2013
This is very INACCURATE. You can NOT find a decent house for $79,000 in this area unless it is a mobile home/trailer. I looked for 6 months and could NOT find a house in that all (that did NOT have major structural issues or was totally outdated...and needed $10,000-20,000 in work upfront). Furthermore, "cost of living" websites state that my "living expenses" should be 20-22% CHEAPER in this area versus Dallas, Tx. That said, after living here for 6 months, I can STATE..that the COSTS to live here are in fact the SAME, if not HIGHER than in Dallas. If my "living expenses" total $2000/month, then I should be able to "save/bank" $400 a month..and that is NOT the case at all. Food, internet, tv, utilities are THE SAME... Sherman must pay people to write these Read More

A Wonderful Place to Live - 8/28/2008
Sherman is one of the nicest cities in the U.S. First, the population and the business climate is exploding, with new hotels, a convention center and 7 new banks in the last year! Together with Denison, these twin-cities offer real Southern hospitality and love for one another. Crime is almost non-existant and there's a Baptist church and Little League field on every corner. What's not to love? I'm from the NE and I'll never Read More

Gossip Central - 7/31/2005
If you're not a redneck, good-ol'-boy, hick, you don't want to live here. Nobody in the Sherman-Denison-Pottsboro area has anything better to do than talk about what everybody else is doing in their private lives. Within a week of living here I had virtually all of my neighbors come over to fill me in on "the scoop" about all of my other neighbors. Climate is good, and cost of living's not bad, but those are about the only positives that I can come up Read More

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