Oklahoma Reviews

26 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Oklahoma

Oklahoma is a state located in the southern central region of the United States. It is known for its diverse landscape, from plains and prairies to rolling hills and forests. The cost of living in Oklahoma is relatively low, making it an attractive place to live for many individuals and families. However, like any place, there are pros and cons to living in this state. In order to get a better understanding of what it's like to live in Oklahoma, let's take a look at some user reviews from the website BestPlaces.net.

According to user "Julie" on BestPlaces.net, living in Oklahoma has its benefits: "The people here are friendly and welcoming, and the cost of living is very affordable. I also enjoy the different seasons and the close proximity to both big cities and rural areas." This sentiment is echoed by user "Mark," who states, "I've lived in Oklahoma my whole life and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. The people are kind and the cost of living is unbeatable."

However, not all reviews are positive. User "Samantha" shares her experience, saying, "I moved to Oklahoma for a job opportunity and I regret it. The weather can be extreme and the job market is not great. I also miss having more cultural diversity and entertainment options." Similarly, user "John" expresses his frustrations with the state, saying, "The education system in Oklahoma is lacking and the state has its fair share of issues. I'm looking to relocate to a different state in the near future."

Overall, it seems that living in Oklahoma can be a great experience for some, while others may struggle with certain aspects of the state. As user "Mark" aptly puts it, "Oklahoma is what you make of it. It has its pros and cons like any other place, but it's up to you to make the most of it and find your own happiness here."

 based on 26 Reviews
Get to know Oklahoma with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Oklahoma

Why this place sucks! - 12/19/2020
I’ve lived in this state all my life. It sucks. It is such a homophobic state. Conversion therapy here is still legal and that is absurd! It is so far right. Extremely conservative and gross. Aside from the fact that is is gross and homophobic, it is so boring. There is nothing to do here. Read More

Start Your Review of Oklahoma

Oklahoma - not OK - Imagine That - 3/2/2020
This is a terrible place to live in general, especially if one is eco-conscious.
The air quality is bad as there is no emissions ordinance, and trash burning is permitted which combined makes the ozone quality so bad that it is unhealthy to leave home on most days.
Very limited recycling efforts by restaurants, apartment complexes, and most businesses.
Vehicles rarely stop for pedestrians and bicycles at/in crosswalks.
Refinery noxious fumes in Tulsa, Brookside, and all along the Arkansas River.
Poor water quality.
Lots loud motorcycles revving everywhere.
Extreme weather becoming increasingly worse.
Very conservative viewpoints.
Oil and religion are king Read More

Praise God for Oklahoma - 6/9/2019
Although it's not perfect, it's a great place to raise a family. The weather can be challenging to say the least, but it's not hard to identify and appreciate a beautiful day here. Man, we have the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets God ever put on display! A great majority of the people here have deep roots, with families that survived the dust bowl and many hard times. These people that stayed through these tough times have a grit and determination not found in many other states. May God continue to bless Oklahoma as we give him the Read More

Very Nice - 9/26/2018
Nice water, good air, not too much Read More

Mental health counselor Grad Student - 9/28/2017
Oklahoma is a prison state. It does not conduct proper investigation and throw the innocent, disable, mental ill people in prison for a long extended period of time to make money. This is the worst of the worst state to raise a family. Only retired people should live here and it is a buddy system Read More

Pleasant points about Oklahoma - 3/18/2015
Because it's not a highly populated state, the traffic is not congested as is in many other cities. Oklahoma has great lakes and friendly Read More

missouri and oklahoma - 12/13/2014
want to compare cost of living between missouri and Read More

jobs - 6/28/2014
Is there any good paying Read More

Great Place to Raise Kids - 8/18/2013
Oklahoma became my home back in 2009 due to my husband's job relocation (he lost his management position in Phoenix, AZ and was offered another position with the same company in OKC). While the western U.S. was experiencing a housing crash, Oklahoma's housing market remained stable (doubtless owing to the state's large production of oil and natural gas). In three short years we purchased a somewhat ostentatious home for surprisingly little money. As a preschool teacher, I am delighted to live in a state that has been called the national model for early childhood education programs. My youngest son has had an outstanding education and learned to read early. My oldest son relocated to OK shortly after I did and he found a decent job with a livable wage within a month (he only has a year of community college under his belt). The weather in Oklahoma is crazy...and that appeals to me. I was raised in Phoenix, AZ where the seasons are hot, hotter and please-kill-me-now-blazing-hot. I lived Read More

Great place to live - 6/19/2013
Oklahoma is a lovely place to live with friendly people and a very low cost of living. Housing is reasonable compared to most states. The most "affluent" cities in the metro area being Norman and Read More
