Review of California, California

3rd World Country
Star Rating - 6/16/2007
My opinions about California can mostly be applied to all of southern California. I moved here to San Bernardino in 1980 after 20 years of living in Buffalo, New York & Alaska. At that time I had thought California was my paradise and this is where I wanted to spend the rest of my life. I took full advantage of the opportunities available including the beaches, mountains, hunting, fishing, 4 wheeling, dry & warm weather, sunshine, cuisine, college, employment, Spanish history & culture, architecture, botanical gardens, etc... The list has no end. However, this was also the beginning of the illegal immigrant mass migration era into southern California which continues to this day. The strains placed against our hospitals, schools, employment (repressed wages) police, fire, social services, housing, etc... from 12 million illegal immigrants who have no desire to be American citizens and claim 10dependants so that they pay no taxes has had the effect of turning southern California from a wonderful place to live into a third world country with extensive suburban slums and at least 30% of businesses that cater specifically to immigrants. Instead of doing what is economically best for our communities, politicians are more concerned about not making anybody feel bad that they are a leech upon society. Over 50% of San Bernardino residents are on some type of public assistance, which those of us with a job are forced to pay for. Just take a drive through any residential community in southern California during the day and take notice at the large amounts of adults who have nothing better to do than hang out in their dirt & weed infested front yards consuming alcoholic beverages. Education levels in our school districts are absolutely embarrasing for a state that was once the premier educational hub of the US. My wife & I are very patiently waiting for the day to come when we are eligible to use our retirement so that we can get away from North Tijuana AKA southern California.
Dale | Highland, CA
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