Zip 75135 (Caddo Mills, TX) Education


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Caddo Mills, TX (zip code 75135) is located in Hunt County and offers its citizens access to quality education. The schools in the area have a strong rating overall, with many of the students scoring well on state testing. There is also a wide range of local educational opportunities available to students from all walks of life, including public schools, private and charter schools, homeschooling groups and tutoring services. The local education department has created a range of programs that strive to ensure that all students receive the best possible education for their needs. With access to dedicated teachers and excellent learning resources, Caddo Mills provides an environment where students can feel supported and inspired to reach their full potential.

Caddo Mills (zip 75135) schools spend $8,963 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 14 pupils per teacher, 388 students per librarian, and 390 children per counselor.

Education Degree by Location

  EducationCaddo Mills, TexasUnited States