Climax, GA Rankings

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Climax, GA is ranked #2,013 in the overall BestPlaces rankings. This ranking is based on a variety of factors such as housing costs, cost of living index, education level, weather, crime rate and other amenities. Climax has an estimated population of 602 people and is located in Decatur County. It has a median home cost of $120,400 and the cost of living index is at 86.5 which is lower than the national average making it an affordable place to live. The city also offers a variety of educational opportunities with several primary and secondary public schools in the area as well as nearby higher education institutions. In terms of safety, Climax' crime rate is low compared to the rest of the state so residents can feel safe while exploring what the city has to offer. Thanks to its mild climate and abundance of outdoor activities, Climax attracts many year-round visitors who come to take advantage of its beautiful landscape and recreational activities. All these factors make Climax a great place for families looking for quality living at an affordable price while having access to all necessary amenities.

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