Lyon County, NV Rankings

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United States / Nevada / / Lyon County / Cities / Zip Codes

Lyon County is located in Nevada and it has a population of 54,902. It is ranked 156th in the Bestplaces rankings for its livability. This ranking means that Lyon County is considered one of the most livable places within the state of Nevada. The overall score for Lyon County was 6.3 out of 10, which is based on a variety of factors such as cost of living, crime rate, and housing affordability. Additionally, the ratings for amenities, weather, education, and health care were all fairly high. Residents who choose to live in Lyon County are able to enjoy low taxes and a wide range of activities from outdoor recreation to museums and cultural attractions. Furthermore, residents benefit from many job opportunities due to the presence of various industries in the area. All these factors combined make Lyon County a desirable place to live for both families and individuals looking for a great quality of life.

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