Johnstown, Pennsylvania

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Johnstown, PA

A Historic City With Lots of Possibilities. - 6/22/2022

It is a historic city with a booming economy located in Johnstown, PA. In the past two years, crime and drug problems have decreased, and the city promotes arts, culture, and sports. There are pleasant residents in this small community. There is nothing but amiability and niceness among the people. There are many churches and old-style factories with fresh air and beautiful scenery. Since the real estate market is still affordable, it is a good place for new businesses to start or for retail chains to start a new branch. In a city surrounded by mountains, the humidity is high but manageable. Dehumidifiers are needed. Compared to other midwestern cities, city water is somewhat expensive. Newcomers, artists, history lovers, and business developers can benefit from it.

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Johnstown, PA

Don't - 4/21/2020

It's a filthy drug thug pitbull armpit.

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Johnstown, PA

cost of living - 10/12/2012

Johnstown is very sceneic. The people are very nice howeever, if you go too far out into suburbia you will find a great deal of ignorance and racism. The down side is little to no jobs, horrible pay. Like taking a 4 or 5 dollar an hour paycut to move to this area. Plus the utilities here will way out way your rent. I only pay 325.00 for a nice 2 br but over 400 a month in utilities and it's just me at work all day and 1 child. I love it here but I'm afraid the bad economy and the utilies are going to drive me elsewhere.

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Johnstown, PA

best place to live in usa - 8/12/2012

we were planning to shift to usa or canada for a while , after looking at many places to live , we decided on johnstown , our friends and family think we are mad or somthing to choose johnstown , some say its a dead town some say its a garbage dump . this what i think , yes there are old and broken houses in jonhstown ,yes it looks likes that the city has been stuck by a earthquake , yes most of the people who live there are poor , BUT johnstown and its suberbs i found the most friendly people , the most helpful , family oriented and open minded , its has the most beutiful views , best of fresh air and best place if you are a outdoor person. well if u looking for some other things in life than money , then i think this town is a good place . mba

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Johnstown, PA

johnstown living - 8/11/2012

we were planning to shift to usa or canada for a while , after looking at many places to live , we decided on johnstown , our friends and family think we are mad or somthing to choose johnstown , some say its a dead town some say its a garbage dump . this what i think , yes there are old and broken houses in jonhstown ,yes it looks likes that the city has been stuck by a earthquake , yes most of the people who live there are poor , BUT johnstown and its suberbs i found the most friendly people , the most helpful , family oriented and open minded , its has the most beutiful views , best of fresh air and best place if you are a outdoor person. well if u looking for some other things in life than money , then i think this town is a good place . mba

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Johnstown, PA

Johnstown Stinks - 9/26/2011

I have live in the city most of my life. This is the most corrupt city in the nation. They extort money from the residents , by selective harassment of city codes that they change to suite their needs whenever they want to. The city had money to fix the sewage systems and spent it to keep their friends an family working who they gave jobs to.So they raised the sewage rate to cover their ass.It went from $10.00 to $55.00 + treatment fees. The Federal Government needs to look into this. The city has laid off 8 firemen just so that they can keep their friends working in city hall.They say that is was done to protect the people and their property. The city is ripe for major crime because their is only one police officer on duty at each end of the city which is 13 miles long. All a criminal has to do is get some of his buddies together and cause a disturbance at one end of the city and rob a bank at the other end of the city and they can get away. Also the city do not want jobs with in the city. The major employment for the people is public assistance. The city has maybe 15,000 people living their. The city is dead and the best thing that can happen to the city is for another flood to come and take what is left off the face of the earth. To sum it all up johnstown is not a place to move to or live in.

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Johnstown, PA

Johnstown is a lost cause - 11/10/2008

I had to chuckle when i saw the population was listed at 22k+ and the median home price at 72k+. thats so deceptive. Johnstown people work for mostly minimum wage. At least a third of the population doesn't even make 15K a year. 72K homes are in westmont and richland- which isn't part of the 22K+ population. In the city you can buy a home for a few thousand dollars, but it won't be a nice home.Most homes in johnstown are ramshakle with aluminum siding. If you can be happy in a $25,000 home and make minimum wage, johnstown is for you. The town is so politically corrupt that all the businesses left the area. And no new business is stupid enough to move in unless you are in bed with the corrupt congressman and other politicans. Biggest employer is the hospital. second biggest may be the newspaper with it's 110 employees- including paperboys.

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Johnstown, PA

cost of living - 9/22/2008

very low cost of living, but not many jobs available unless you work in the health field

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Bradenton, FL

not so bad - 4/25/2008

yes the city is dead! Full of brown buildings, brown water, brown dead trees, and the forecast never changes-(50 degrees and overcast). The good news about Johnstown though, the cost of living! I plan to move my family back next year, after 10 years in Bradenton/Sarasota FL. This place beats PA hands down in every category except cost of living and crime! The family wins, so goodbye sun, Johnstown here we come.

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Johnstown, PA

Educational Opportunities - 2/27/2008

Our children (2)received excellent highschool educations. Although they left the city for undergraduate degrees, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown (UPJ) is an excellent college. Johnstown also boasts a growing Community College. Our son received a MBA from St. Francais University while working in Johnstown. Many of his classes were held in Johnstown.

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Johnstown, PA

crime in Johnstown - 2/4/2008

Johnstown, and more specifically the Westmont area, is a pretty city. It's very clean and there are many beautiful old homes in great condition. A drive down Luzerne St can make one salivate. There is one issue here that appears to be kept under wraps, if that's possible. Crime appears to be on the increase, especially as it relates to drugs and drug addicts who steal to support their habits. At least we think that's the reason. Without going into great detail, i will say that our family has lived a lot of places, including the DC area, and never encountered thefts or breaking and entering before now. And we've encountered it a lot in the short amount of time we've been here. Someone even stole my husband's military retirement flag from our front porch on Veteran's Day. That was a low blow and we took it personally. Hopefully this won't put anyone off and we've just encountered a run of bad luck, as there are some terrific people here and of course, beautiful old homes that require very little to make them sparkle. This town has some of the best minds in the country and a great spirit. Just be mindful and don't give anyone an opportunity to help themselves. This review is based on actual experiences, not reports or statistics of any kind.

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Portage, PA

hidden gem for outdoor activities - 6/5/2007

although the area is somewhat of a brain drain in terms of diversity, this is somewhat of a hidden gem for hiking, biking, golfing, and skiing enthuriasts. the nearby laurel highlands and blue knob mountains are abundant in hiking, biking, and affordable golfing opportunities.

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Mililani, HI

Dianna are you kidding! - 12/30/2006

Johnstown is a garbage dump with a wonderful history. Dianna the reason you think J-town is so fan-tabulous, is either because you live in Westmont or Richland, or you never leave the house. Moxham, Kernville, West End, Roxbury, Dale, Scalp, Riverside, Ferndale, Oakhurst, Southmont- are all sections of Johnstown; and are all garbage dumps. Johnstown is as filthy as the polluted river that carves it's stinky way through the city. When coal and steel fell away, so did any future Johnstown had. At it's best, J-town was a reflection of Pittsburgh through a dirty mirror. So, it only goes to say that when Pittsburgh lost coal and steel and turned to technology and medical fields to have a re-birth, so too would Johnstown. Sadly, Johnstown's lack of leadership and it's severe brain-drain have left it dead in the water. You know, the 'ol up a poop creek without a paddle Try to find a doctor who can either speak english or give a correct, timley diagnosis. Ha, or both. OK OK FUNNY story. I swear this is true. You can not make this up. A woman was told by a J-town doctor that she had a worm under her skin, on her forehead, between her eyes that way slowly borrowing through her skull, and it would eventually enter her brain. It could not be removed, because that would certainly lead to infection, and death. This was very painful. She worked with my mother and over the ensuing weeks, had to eventually quit her job due to stress, pain and lack of sleep. At the urging of a friend, she went to a Pittsburgh doctor, and he asked her if she had ever had a broken nose. She said yes, about five years prior. Here, the "worm" was a bone fragment that a Johnstown "doctor" left there when he repaired the broken nose. It was working its was out of her body naturally. Harmlessly. After a short proceedure, the fragment was removed and that was that. Dianna, please do yourself a favor. Do not go out side, it will ruin your fantasy. Stay in your home with your head in the sand. And listen to the soothing sound of Marty Radovanic's voice. Do the rest of us a favor and stop glorifying Johnstown- it's over. You can put a dress on a pig, but it's still a pig isn't it? The one true bright spot in Johnstown, is Coney Island and the SunDowner! Peace.

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Johnstown, PA

Crime rate is listed as 6 out of 10! NO WAY!! - 12/4/2006

Johnstown, PA is a very safe place to live and rear a family. We have our neighborhoods that are a little worse than others, but you have that anywhere you live. I was quite shocked at the crime ratio posted, because I cannot believe it is as high as listed.

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Johnstown, PA

Not the best place for climate - 12/4/2006

Johnstown is not the best place to live if you are looking for warm weather all year round. However, we have been having very hot, humid summers with very little rain. The winters have not been too awful either. This is not the norm for Johnstown. Our summers generally are rainy and miserable, and a lot of snow during the winter months. Hopefully our new trend will continue, and this WOULD be a great place for climate.

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Johnstown, PA

Cost of Living - 12/4/2006

You could not find a better place to live when you are speaking of the cost of living. Homes are very afforable, rent is affordable. I have lived in Johnstown all of my life.

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