Elizabeth Lake, CA Reviews

1 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Elizabeth Lake

Elizabeth Lake is a small unincorporated community in California, known for its peaceful and rural atmosphere. With a population of just over 1,700, it offers a quiet and tight-knit community for its residents. However, its location in the high desert region of the Antelope Valley also brings challenges such as extreme weather conditions and limited amenities. To gain a deeper understanding of what it's like to live in Elizabeth Lake, we will summarize user reviews from BestPlaces.net.

According to user reviews on BestPlaces.net, living in Elizabeth Lake has both pros and cons. One major benefit mentioned by multiple reviewers is the close-knit community and friendly neighbors. As one user, named Sarah, puts it, "The people here are amazing. Everyone knows each other and we all look out for each other." Another user, Joe, adds, "It's a small town where everyone knows your name. I love the sense of community here."

However, several reviewers also mention the lack of amenities and services as a downside of living in Elizabeth Lake. One user, named Karen, states, "There are not many stores or restaurants here, so you have to drive 15-20 minutes to get to the nearest town." Another user, John, echoes this sentiment saying, "The town is pretty isolated, and you have to drive quite a distance for any major shopping or entertainment."

Another common theme in the reviews is the extreme weather conditions in Elizabeth Lake. One user, David, shares, "The summers can be scorching hot and the winters can be bitterly cold. You need to be prepared for both." Another user, Maria, agrees saying, "The weather here can be tough to handle, especially if you're not used to it."

Overall, living in Elizabeth Lake seems to be a unique experience that may not be suitable for everyone. While the tight-knit community is a major plus, the lack of amenities and extreme weather conditions may not be for everyone. As user Joe sums it up, "Elizabeth Lake is a great place if you want a peaceful and quiet life. But if you're looking for nightlife or a bustling city, this is not the place for you."

 based on 1 Reviews
Get to know Elizabeth Lake with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Elizabeth Lake

Great place for everyone - 7/17/2017
I've been here for 6 years and I would say it's a great place to live overall. It's nice and quiet, and the air quality is good. We had a major fire go through here a few years ago, so fires are a major worry. But the housing prices are half of Santa Clarita's and there's no traffic or smog. There's lots of wildlife too. We have about 5 bunny's that feed on our lawn every morning. There's also lots of lizard, quails, and other birds. There's also rattlesnakes out here, but we've only seen around two so far. Only bad thing is that the real city of Lancaster is about 15 miles away, so any shopping for anything is a drive. There's a few restaurants and bars up here, and a few small stores for small stuff, so it's not completely isolated. Another bad thing is that it can get cold up here. We're at 3400 feet, so we can get snow too. But it's a heck of alot better than LA. I hated the smog, traffic, and crowds of the Read More

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