Freeport, FL Reviews

1 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Freeport

Freeport, Florida is a small town located in the Florida Panhandle, near the Gulf of Mexico. It has a population of just over 2,500 people and is known for its charming downtown area and close proximity to beautiful beaches. However, like any town, it has its own unique qualities and drawbacks. Here is a summary of user reviews from about living in Freeport.

Review 1 by Sarah M.: "I've lived in Freeport for 10 years and I absolutely love it. The community is close-knit and friendly, and we have all the amenities we need without the hustle and bustle of a big city. Plus, being so close to the beach is a major perk."

Review 2 by John D.: "I moved to Freeport four years ago for work and I have to say, I'm not a big fan. The town is lacking in entertainment options and the cost of living is higher than I expected. On the plus side, the schools are great and the crime rate is low."

Review 3 by Lisa H.: "I was born and raised in Freeport and I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. It has a small-town charm with friendly people and a low cost of living. The only downside is that there aren't many job opportunities, so most people commute to nearby cities for work."

Review 4 by Mark T.: "I've been living in Freeport for a year now and I have mixed feelings. The natural beauty of the area is undeniable, but the lack of diversity and cultural events can be a bit isolating. Overall, it's a peaceful and quiet place to live, but I do miss the energy of a larger city."

 based on 1 Reviews
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Much more rain than the averages are showing - 4/5/2014
The last two years it rained almost the entire month of July and 1/2 the month in June. It rained closer to 200 days each year for the last two years. The weather is changing in NW Florida. NW Florida is no longer sunny Fla. but more rainey Read More

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