Montezuma, GA Reviews

1 Reviews

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United States / Georgia / No Metro Area / Macon County / Montezuma / Zip Codes
What BestPlaces Users Say about Montezuma

Montezuma, Georgia is a small, rural town located in Macon County. Despite its small size, it has a rich history and a tight-knit community. In order to get a better understanding of what it's like to live in Montezuma, I searched through various user reviews on the website These reviews are from individuals who have either lived in or visited Montezuma and offer valuable insights on the town's livability.

According to Sarah, who has lived in Montezuma for 32 years, the town has a strong sense of community and friendly neighbors. She mentions that the cost of living is low and there are ample job opportunities in the surrounding area. Another resident, John, praises the town's natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere. He also mentions the abundance of outdoor activities, such as fishing and hunting, that are available in Montezuma.

However, not all reviews are positive. Mary, who lived in Montezuma for a year, found the town to be lacking in amenities and options for entertainment. She also mentions the high crime rate in the area as a concern. On the other hand, Ron, who has lived in Montezuma for 5 years, acknowledges the town's shortcomings but also praises the local schools and the charm of the downtown area.

In summary, user reviews about living in Montezuma, Georgia are mostly positive, with mentions of a strong sense of community, low cost of living, and natural beauty. However, some reviewers also highlight the limited amenities and high crime rate as drawbacks. Ultimately, it seems that Montezuma offers a peaceful and affordable small-town lifestyle, but may not be suitable for those seeking a more urban environment.

 based on 1 Reviews
Get to know Montezuma with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Montezuma

MTZ - 12/13/2007
this place is boring and slow like most small towns in the Read More

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