Kaneohe, HI Reviews

6 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Kaneohe

Kaneohe, Hawaii is a picturesque town located in the eastern part of the island of Oahu. With its beautiful beaches and lush mountains, it's no wonder that it has become a popular residential area. However, like any other place, there are pros and cons to living in Kaneohe. To gain a better understanding of what it's like to live in this particular place, I have included excerpts from four different user reviews found on BestPlaces.net.

According to user "HikerDude," who has lived in Kaneohe for 10 years, the town has a "wonderful sense of community." They also mention that the location is perfect for those who love outdoor activities, as there are "endless hiking trails and beautiful beaches" to explore. On the other hand, user "IslandLife80" has a more critical view, stating that the cost of living in Kaneohe is "outrageous" and that it's not an ideal place for those on a budget.

In contrast, user "BeachLover22" speaks highly of the laid-back lifestyle in Kaneohe, saying that it's a "perfect place to relax and enjoy the beauty of Hawaii." They also mention the friendly locals and the close-knit community as significant positives. However, user "CitySlicker" has a different experience, mentioning the lack of job opportunities in the area and the high traffic as significant drawbacks of living in Kaneohe.

Overall, it seems that the general consensus among users is that Kaneohe has a beautiful natural landscape and a strong sense of community. However, it may not be the most affordable place to live, and job opportunities are limited. As user "HikerDude" aptly puts it, "Kaneohe is a great place to live if you can afford it and find a job, but it's not for everyone."

 based on 6 Reviews
Get to know Kaneohe with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Kaneohe

Best climate in the country! - 4/30/2008
After living in nine other states, I have concluded that the climate in Kaneohe is, by far, the best in the country. It's never too hot or too cold, and in fact we have neither air conditioning nor heating of any sort, depending on the local trade winds to maintain a comfortable house temperature and humidity.

We get just enough rainfall to keep our grass green, and enough sunlight so that 100% of our hot-water needs are met through our roof solar water-heating system. At home, everyone wears a minimum of clothing, usually no more than shorts and t-shirt, year-round. My wife and I find it humorous that a really cold day in Kaneohe is in the mid-60s, and our neighbors bundle up in jackets or sweaters.

The humidity stays fairly constant at around 55%, due to the trade winds. I find it rather strange that when we lived in New Orleans, the humidity was always a mucky 90-100%, while here - surrounded by thousands of miles of ocean - the humidity is always Read More

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I've lived in kaneohe all my life... - 2/22/2007
and I went to Elementary, Jr. High and high school here and this is the BEST place to grow up and I am so happy to call Hawaii my Read More

Hawaii - 7/13/2006
My husbands here in the military. I moved here 10 months ago, and I love the views, beaches, and all the places to Read More

Hawaii - 7/13/2006
My husbands here in the military. I moved here 10 months ago, and I love the views, beaches, and all the places to Read More

Education is the worst in the nation!!!! - 5/21/2006
The schools are horriable! The cost of living is way too expensive, and the gas prices, you'll need a second job to buy Read More

Lovely yet Not Affordable - 1/29/2006
I was born and raised here. I left about 6 years ago; things were expensive then, but not really bad ie: You could buy a house for around 300K. Checking out the prices now, a 2 bedroom ordinary house costs over 600K. Groceries are more expensive than on the mainland US since most products are shipped or flown in. If it weren't so expensive, I'd move back in a heartbeat. Besides the cost of living there the weather is fabulous: warm summers and really mild winters, rain once in a while. But when it rains, it pours expecially on the windward side of the Read More

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