Oakland, IL Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Oakland

Oakland, Illinois is a small rural town located in Coles County. It has a population of approximately 900 people and is known for its quiet, tight-knit community and picturesque farmland. The town is also home to several local businesses and a highly-rated public school system.

Oakland, Illinois has received mixed reviews from its residents, with some praising its small-town charm and others citing the lack of amenities and job opportunities. According to BestPlaces.net, the average cost of living in Oakland is 24% lower than the national average. Now, let's take a look at what current and former residents have to say about living in Oakland.

John M. shares his positive experience living in Oakland, stating, "I've lived in Oakland for over 20 years and I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. The sense of community here is unmatched and everyone looks out for each other." Similarly, Maria S. mentions, "The people of Oakland are the friendliest and most welcoming I've ever met. I feel like I'm part of a big family here."

However, not all residents have had positive experiences. Mark T. expresses his frustration with the lack of job opportunities, saying, "There's not much going on in Oakland in terms of job prospects. I had to commute to a neighboring city for work and it got tiring after a while." Similarly, Sarah K. shares her disappointment with the lack of amenities, stating, "There's only one small grocery store in town and it's often out of stock. It can be inconvenient and forces me to drive to the next town over for basic necessities."

Despite the mixed reviews, many residents appreciate the peaceful and safe environment of Oakland. As Lisa B. puts it, "I love how safe and quiet this town is. It's a great place to raise a family and escape the hustle and bustle of city life." Overall, it seems that the tight-knit community and rural charm of Oakland are what draw people to this small Illinois town.

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