Brooks, KY Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Brooks

Background information: Brooks, Kentucky is a small town located in Bullitt County with a population of around 2,000. It is known for its rural atmosphere and affordable cost of living, making it a popular choice for families and retirees. However, like any other place, it has its pros and cons that are reflected in the user reviews on

According to user reviews on, many people enjoy living in Brooks, Kentucky. One reviewer, Rachel, praises the town's friendly community and inexpensive housing options, stating "The people here are very welcoming and it's such a tight-knit community. The cost of living is also very affordable." Another user, Mark, mentions the town's convenient location near larger cities, saying "Brooks is a great place to live as it is close to Louisville but still has a small-town feel." However, not all reviews are positive. Todd expresses frustration with the lack of job opportunities in the area, stating "There are not many job opportunities in Brooks, so many residents have to commute to nearby cities for work." Similarly, Sarah mentions the town's limited entertainment options, saying "There isn't much to do in Brooks, so you have to go to surrounding areas for entertainment." Despite these criticisms, overall, the majority of users seem to be content with living in Brooks, Kentucky.

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