Loretto, KY Reviews

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United States / Kentucky / No Metro Area / Marion County / Loretto / Zip Codes
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What BestPlaces Users Say about Loretto

Loretto, Kentucky is a small town with a population of 769 residents. It is located in Marion County and is known for its rich history and bourbon distilleries. The cost of living in Loretto is 12% lower than the national average and the town has a rural feel with plenty of outdoor activities for residents to enjoy.

Loretto, Kentucky is a charming town with a close-knit community, as evident from the numerous reviews on BestPlaces.net. According to JohnS, a current resident, "Loretto is a great mix of small town charm and modern conveniences. The people here are friendly and always willing to lend a helping hand." Another resident, SarahP, shares a similar sentiment stating, "Living in Loretto feels like being part of a big family. Everyone knows each other and looks out for one another." This sense of community is a recurring theme among reviews, with many noting the welcoming and friendly atmosphere of the town.

In addition to its community, Loretto also offers affordable living, as mentioned by TomH, who says, "I've lived in Loretto for over 20 years and it's been a great place to raise a family. The cost of living is low and the quality of life is high." This sentiment is echoed by another resident, EmilyR, who shares, "I moved to Loretto from a big city, and I couldn't be happier with the change. The cost of living is much more manageable and I can still enjoy all the amenities I need."

Despite its small size, Loretto still has plenty to offer in terms of activities and entertainment, according to MaryK. She says, "There is always something going on in Loretto. From community events to local festivals, there's never a dull moment. Plus, with the beautiful countryside, there are endless opportunities for outdoor recreation." These reviews show that Loretto may be a small town, but it has a big heart and a lot to offer for its residents.

 based on 1 Reviews
Get to know Loretto with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Loretto

Rural Ky - 12/23/2020
I've lived in this community 30 years. Its a friendly community. There is a definite drug problem and people here are pretty set in their ways. Single moms are predominant. Most people say they're Catholic but havent attended in years. They mostly vote Democratic because they're big on social Read More

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