Houlton, ME Reviews

1 Reviews

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United States / Maine / No Metro Area / Aroostook County / Houlton / Zip Codes
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What BestPlaces Users Say about Houlton

Houlton, Maine is a small town located in the northern part of the state. With a population of just over 6,000 people, it is known for its beautiful scenery and close-knit community. Many people are drawn to Houlton for its peaceful and rural setting, as well as its affordable cost of living.

According to user reviews on BestPlaces.net, Houlton, Maine is a charming and welcoming town with a strong sense of community. Many reviewers mention the town's friendly and helpful residents, as well as its scenic surroundings. One user, Sarah, says, "Houlton is a great place to live if you enjoy a small town atmosphere. The people here are so friendly and welcoming, it feels like one big family." Another reviewer, John, shares, "I've lived in Houlton for over 30 years and I can't imagine living anywhere else. The natural beauty of this town is unmatched and the people are some of the kindest I've ever met."

Some reviewers also mention the affordable cost of living in Houlton. Mark says, "I moved here from New York and was shocked by how much more affordable it is to live in Houlton. My money goes a lot further here and I am able to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without breaking the bank." Similarly, Susan notes, "I was able to purchase a lovely home in Houlton for a fraction of the cost compared to where I used to live. I appreciate being able to live comfortably without worrying about high living expenses."

While many reviewers have positive things to say about Houlton, a few mention the lack of job opportunities in the town. Dave comments, "Houlton is a beautiful place, but the job market is pretty limited. As a young professional, I found it hard to find work in my field and ended up having to commute to a nearby town for job opportunities."

Despite the limited job market, the overall consensus among reviewers is that Houlton, Maine is a lovely place to live. Its small town charm, welcoming community, and affordable cost of living make it a desirable location for many. As user Beth puts it, "Houlton may be small, but it has a big heart. I am proud to call this town my home."

 based on 1 Reviews
Get to know Houlton with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Houlton

My family loves it here! - 9/3/2021
I have lives in Memphis TN, Buenos Aires Argentina and just outside of Sydney Australia in the Blue Mountains and I have to say, while they all have some amazing things going for them, Houlton Maine is at the top of my list for best places I have lived. I feel like my family and I were finally able to settle somewhere that works for all of us. My children are thriving at school and at home. There are always things for us to do year round whether it is snowshoeing in the winter, maple syrup tasting in the spring, hanging out by the lake in the summer or taking a drive around winding roads through the incredibly beautiful fall foliage. My husband and I are also able to conduct our business very easily since Houlton offers incredibly fast broadband internet options. If you are curious to learn more about Houlton, I suggest heading to upgradetohoulton.com. You can also contact the town through this site where they are more than willing to help answer any questions you have or to make the Read More

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