Edgartown, MA Reviews

1 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Edgartown

Edgartown, Massachusetts is a small coastal town located on the island of Martha's Vineyard. With a population of just over 4,000 residents, it is known for its beautiful beaches, historic charm, and affluent community. But what is it really like to live in this picturesque New England town? Let's explore some user reviews from BestPlaces.net to get a better understanding.

According to reviews on BestPlaces.net, many residents of Edgartown praise the town for its natural beauty and laid-back lifestyle. User "Sarah" says, "Edgartown is a charming town with friendly people and stunning views. I love being able to walk to the beach and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere." Similarly, user "Michael" describes the town as a "haven for nature lovers" and appreciates the "breathtaking scenery" and "plenty of outdoor activities" available.

However, some reviewers also mention the high cost of living in Edgartown. User "Samantha" notes, "Living in Edgartown can be expensive, especially with housing prices and groceries. But the quality of life and sense of community make it worth it." User "Benjamin" echoes this sentiment, stating that "the cost of living is definitely a major downside, but the quality of life and sense of community make up for it."

One aspect of Edgartown that receives mixed reviews is the town's social scene. While some users, like "Sarah" and "Michael," appreciate the laid-back and tight-knit community, others, like "Samantha" and "Benjamin," mention that it can feel isolating at times. Benjamin states, "If you're not part of the close-knit community, it can be hard to make friends and feel included." On the other hand, user "Rachel" says, "I love the small-town feel of Edgartown. Everyone knows each other and there are plenty of community events and activities to get involved in."

Overall, it seems that living in Edgartown is a dream for nature lovers and those seeking a peaceful and close-knit community. While the cost of living may be high, many residents agree that it is worth it for the quality of life and beautiful surroundings. However, for those looking for a bustling social scene, it may not be the ideal place.

 based on 1 Reviews
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Love Martha’s Vineyard - 11/14/2019
Visited on my honeymoon and immediately wanted to move there. Beautiful scenery and very Read More

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