Gloucester, MA Reviews

2 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Gloucester

Gloucester, Massachusetts is a coastal city located north of Boston. It has a population of approximately 30,000 people and is known for its fishing industry and scenic beaches. Many people are drawn to this city for its small-town charm and proximity to the ocean. However, living in Gloucester may also have its drawbacks, as seen in the comments and reviews left by users on

According to user "Samantha", who has been living in Gloucester for five years, the city offers a great community feel and plenty of outdoor activities, but the cost of living can be high. She writes, "The sense of community in Gloucester is amazing. There are always events happening, and the beaches are beautiful. However, housing prices are steep, and groceries can be expensive too."

Another user, "John", has a different perspective on the cost of living in Gloucester. He says, "I've lived in Gloucester my whole life and I have to say, it's not cheap. But the quality of life here is worth it. The ocean views, the seafood, and the friendly people make it all worthwhile."

"Katie" has mixed feelings about living in Gloucester. She says, "I love the location of Gloucester and the small-town feel. However, the job market is limited and it can be tough to find employment. The winter weather can also be brutal."

One user, "David", has concerns about the education system in Gloucester. He writes, "I moved here for work, but now that I have kids, I'm not thrilled with the schools. They are overcrowded and underfunded. I may have to consider moving to a different town for a better education for my children."

Overall, it seems that living in Gloucester has its pros and cons. The sense of community and beautiful location are highly praised, while the high cost of living and limited job opportunities are common concerns. However, each individual's experience may vary, and it's important to consider all factors before making a decision to live in this coastal city.

 based on 2 Reviews
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Renting an Appartment - 10/15/2008
I would first like to say that i found this web site to be incredibly informative. i moved to the States a few years ago from Australia and it is difficult to get a handle on important information to make decisions about where to live.

I know that the cost of living in Gloucester is high on average, but i personally pay $900 a month with my wife in a 1 bedroom apartment with ocean the ocean in full view only 100 ft away, in downtown.

I love my current situation, but we are looking to have children and it is definitely going to be time for a Read More

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Land of Light - 9/2/2008
We have lived here for 7 1/2 years and the natural light is incredible. Many artists have spoken on it for years and after awhile you really begin to appreciate and understand their Read More

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