Pocasset, MA Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Pocasset

Background information: Pocasset is a small town located on Cape Cod in Massachusetts. It has a population of approximately 2,500 people and is known for its scenic beaches, charming downtown area, and close-knit community.

Pocasset, Massachusetts is a beloved town for many residents and visitors alike. According to various user reviews on BestPlaces.net, the town is praised for its peaceful atmosphere, friendly locals, and beautiful surroundings. John from Boston describes Pocasset as "a hidden gem of Cape Cod, with a laid-back vibe and stunning ocean views." Another user, Maria, shares that "living in Pocasset has been a dream come true for me and my family. The community is so welcoming and the beaches here are simply breathtaking." On the other hand, some users mention the town's small size and limited amenities as potential downsides. For example, Sarah writes, "Pocasset is a charming town but it can feel quite isolated at times, especially during the off-season when many businesses close down." Similarly, Jake states, "While Pocasset is a lovely place to live, it may not be the best fit for those looking for a bustling city lifestyle." Overall, it seems that Pocasset is a highly sought-after location for those seeking a peaceful and picturesque town to call home.

 based on 1 Reviews
Get to know Pocasset with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Pocasset

Cost of Living on Cape Cod - Pocasset - A Village - 11/7/2010
Cost of living is very high here on Cape Cod compared to other areas located in Southeast Massachusetts. Cost of most items goes up 5-10% for anything that goes over the bridge to the Cape. Our town does not have a supermarket of any size and requires a 20 minute drive for most residents to get groceries. The town relies on revenue from tourists and small businesses that support activities at the Otis Air National Guard Base, Massachusetts Maratime Academy or Corps of Engineer activities associated with the Cape Cod Read More

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