Fulton, MO Reviews

4 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Fulton

Fulton, Missouri is a small city located in central Missouri with a population of about 13,000 people. It is known for its historic downtown area and being the home of Westminster College, where Winston Churchill gave his famous "Iron Curtain" speech. The city has a strong sense of community and is surrounded by beautiful countryside, making it a popular place for outdoor enthusiasts. However, some people have mixed opinions about living in Fulton, as seen in the user reviews on the website BestPlaces.net.

On BestPlaces.net, many users have shared their experiences and thoughts about living in Fulton, Missouri. One user, Jonathan, describes the strong community aspect of the city, saying, "Fulton is a friendly, small town where everyone knows each other. There are plenty of community events and activities to get involved in." Another user, Sarah, also praises the community, stating, "Fulton has a great sense of community and I have felt very welcomed here." These reviews highlight the welcoming and friendly atmosphere of Fulton.

However, not all reviews are positive. A user named Michael expresses frustration with the small size of the city, saying, "Fulton is a very small town with not much to do. It can feel claustrophobic and there are limited job opportunities." Similarly, another user, Jessica, mentions the lack of diversity in the city, stating, "Fulton is a predominantly white community and can feel unwelcoming for people of color." These reviews highlight potential downsides of living in Fulton, such as limited activities and lack of diversity.

Overall, the reviews on BestPlaces.net show a mix of opinions about living in Fulton, Missouri. While many appreciate the strong sense of community and inviting atmosphere, others mention potential drawbacks such as limited opportunities and lack of diversity. It is important for individuals considering living in Fulton to weigh these factors and determine if it is the right fit for them.

 based on 4 Reviews
Get to know Fulton with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Fulton

Small town good cost of living - 1/15/2011
Fulton is a small town but the cost of living in Callaway county versus Boone county (Columbia) is a lot better. If you are looking at employment in Columbia or Jefferson City it's about a 20 min drive on I-70 to each city. The drive is worth the difference in price per acre costs for buying a house or Read More

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Don't move here - 2/21/2010
Fulton is the most corrupted town I have ever lived in. The cops are complete dirt bags between the ones who beat there wives or start dating the victims from the cases there working. Or my favorite the cops who drink and drive. Oh and yes this is a college town but parents beware smack in the middle of the colleges is the biggest drug and crime area in town. Girls have been raped and drug deals can be seen at the local park. Fulton may seem like a nice quite town but believe me Its not stay far away from Read More

Our City - 1/6/2008
In Fulton you can still find affordable houses to buy. The city is surrounded by nice country. Columbia and Jefferson City are not too far away and give extra job opportunities. We have a Winston Churchill Memorial and Library. Fulton is a historical city. Overall Fulton is a very affordable and nice place to raise a Read More

Fulton, MO - 12/30/2006
This post is a "work in progress"..."watch this Read More

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