Luther, OK Reviews

1 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Luther

Luther, Oklahoma is a small town located about 25 miles northeast of Oklahoma City. It has a population of around 1,400 people and is known for its historical downtown area and annual Luther Pecan Festival. Despite its small size, Luther has become a popular place to live for those looking for a quiet and tight-knit community. In order to get a better understanding of what it's like to live in Luther, let's take a look at some user reviews from

According to, Luther, Oklahoma has an overall livability score of 75 out of 100, with high marks in the categories of cost of living, amenities, and weather. However, user reviews offer a more personal and detailed perspective on the town. One reviewer, Brianna, shares, "I've lived in Luther for 5 years now and I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. The people are friendly and the town has a real sense of community." Another user, Michael, comments, "Luther may be small, but it has everything I need. The cost of living is affordable and I love the small town feel. Plus, it's close enough to Oklahoma City for any big city needs." These reviews showcase the positive sense of community and affordable living that Luther offers.

On the other hand, some reviewers express concerns about the town. Jessica writes, "I've been living in Luther for a year now and it's been a bit of a culture shock. There isn't much to do and it can feel like everyone knows everyone, which can be overwhelming for newcomers." Another user, David, adds, "The biggest downside to living in Luther is the lack of job opportunities. Most people have to commute to Oklahoma City for work." These reviews highlight the potential challenges of living in a small town like Luther.

Despite the varying opinions, many reviewers mention the charm and uniqueness of Luther as a selling point. A reviewer named Sarah states, "I love the historic downtown area of Luther. It's like stepping back in time and it's great to support local businesses." Another user, Mark, shares, "The Luther Pecan Festival is a highlight of the year for me. It brings the whole community together and showcases the town's history and traditions." These reviews demonstrate the sense of pride and appreciation for the town's history and events.

Overall, the user reviews for Luther, Oklahoma provide a well-rounded perspective on living in this small town. While there may be some challenges, the strong sense of community, affordability, and unique charm make it a desirable place to call home for many.

 based on 1 Reviews
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Oklahoma - 6/19/2009
Oklahoma is a great place to live a normal Read More

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