Rockwood, PA Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Rockwood

Rockwood, Pennsylvania is a small borough located in Somerset County. With a population of just over 800 people, it is known for its peaceful atmosphere and beautiful natural surroundings. However, like any place, it has its pros and cons. In order to gain a better understanding of what it is like to live in Rockwood, we will be summarizing user reviews from These reviews are written by individuals who have either lived in or visited Rockwood, providing insight into the community from a first-hand perspective.

According to user reviews on, Rockwood is a quaint and charming town with friendly residents. One user, MaryBeth, describes it as a "close-knit community where everyone knows each other." She goes on to say that the small town atmosphere is perfect for raising a family. Another user, JohnD, appreciates the town's natural beauty and outdoor activities, stating, "Living in Rockwood means having access to amazing trails and parks for hiking and camping." However, not all reviews are entirely positive. A user known as CitySlicker expresses frustration with the lack of amenities in Rockwood, stating, "There are not many options for grocery shopping or dining out, which can be inconvenient at times." Similarly, MattG shares the sentiment, stating, "The job market is limited and there isn't much to do in terms of entertainment." Despite these drawbacks, many agree that the peaceful and welcoming community makes up for it.

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