Garrison, TX Reviews

1 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Garrison

Garrison, Texas is a small town located in East Texas with a population of approximately 900 residents. It is known for its scenic countryside and friendly community. Many people choose to live in Garrison for its peaceful atmosphere and slower pace of life. However, there are also a few drawbacks to living in this town, as seen in the user reviews on Some people praise the town for its charm and sense of community, while others express concerns about limited job opportunities and lack of diversity. Overall, it seems that Garrison offers a unique living experience that may be suited for some but not for others.

User Review #1:

Name: Sarah89

"Living in Garrison has been a dream come true for me. The small-town charm and welcoming community make it a perfect place to raise a family. The cost of living is also very reasonable, and I appreciate the slower pace of life here."

User Review #2:

Name: JohnDoe123

"I moved to Garrison for work, and I have to say I'm not too impressed. There are limited job opportunities, and the town lacks diversity. It can feel isolating at times, especially for someone who's used to a more fast-paced lifestyle."

User Review #3:

Name: LilyBelle

"Garrison is a lovely town, but it's definitely not for everyone. It's very quiet and peaceful here, which is great for retirees like myself. However, younger people may find it boring and lacking in entertainment options. It's all about personal preference."

User Review #4:

Name: TexasProud86

"I have lived in Garrison my entire life, and I wouldn't have it any other way. The community is tight-knit, and everyone knows each other. It's a great place to raise kids and build a life. The only downside is that there aren't many job opportunities, so many people have to commute to nearby cities for work."

 based on 1 Reviews
Get to know Garrison with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Garrison

Great City - 6/11/2009
I grew up in Garrison Texas and it is a great town. I live in Shreveport, LA now but one day I hope to return to the farm. Nothing wrong with Shreveport just love living in the country. The crime here isn't bad at all. In fact the only crime I remember caught national attention. In 1991, a good friend to the Garrison community, Officer Darrell Lunsford was making a traffic stop when he was attacked and shot. The entire community came to the family's aid. Schools here are great I attended Garrison for two years before moving to Shreveport. Friday nights almost everyone is at Bulldog Stadium to root for the dawgs. All in all it's a great city to raise a Read More

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