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Review of Roanoke, Virginia

Roanoke in General
Star Rating - 12/31/2009
Title: Bottom Line
PW: highestnbest

Your data on Roanoke VA is misleading for someone just seeking information using Roanoke as their criteria.

An average price of $129,000 for a house is ludicrous unless you are purchasing in a "C" or “D" neighborhood in and around the City of Roanoke. Homes in those areas are generally between $90,000-$150,000, need work, and are generally what is selling according to realtors and the postings in the Roanoke Times newspaper. Many of those are also purchased by investors.

The lower range for a home in the county is a median between $200,000 on up to just under $300,000, depending upon the area and other factors. Nothing is moving. Appraisers are playing games and even with low-balling values, an insult to the homeowner and their invested capital, it is not working because people are not able to qualify for mortgages.

Appreciation in SW County Roanoke is generally 6% per year.

At the other end of the spectrum, we are looking at some sales upwards of $350,000.

The area has experienced an influx of elderly and the town fathers are bent on making a Roanoke a retirement mecca with Carilion health system leading the way. Eldercare services, including a newly issued self-funded Medicare supplemental plan, are the emphasis for Carilion medical. However, they, too have suffered because physicians have left due to the institution’s demands and practices.

The rate of unemployment generally hangs around 4% which is misleading because of there is no job market – as explained to me, people who have jobs are not losing and new jobs are not being created. The way I understand it, according to an executive and a director/consultant at the VEC, professionals have a hard time in Roanoke unless they are they are "connected" or "medical". In fact, as professionals who attended sessions at the VEC, we were told: “If you want a job – move, there are no jobs here.” Well, easier said than done for most of us who invested in and expected a viable way of life here. It has impoverished many of us.

Job vacancies that do occur are filled by relatives, and/or friends of current staff, it seems. Most available jobs are in the $7.50 - $10 range, offer no benefits. While we understand this is happening in many places due to erroneous thinking and greed by powers who are, this is the status quo for Roanoke.

As with many places, just bring lots of money and have no need to work and you will be all right.

Roanoke is also "Bible Belt" and the words "church" and "Jesus" are integral to local means of communicating and quite a cultural shock for many of us who are accustomed to more sophistication.
Religion really is personal. Proselytizing is rampant, as is witnessing, which many of us find repulsive.

Roanoke needs to be attracting and building a solid business community where opportunities for professionals of all ages are welcomed.

Virginia has a state income tax. Roanoke County real estate taxes are about $1.09 per $100 of assessed valuation or over $2000 for a $200,000 home. Electric rates are reasonable. Schools in SW County and Salem and few other areas are excellent. Education is good in most places today, though.

Roanoke, as one commenter has alluded to, offers little and is close to nowhere. Airfare is generally very high causing people to travel 2 - 3+ hours to find better prices and connections.

While the weather can be sunny, it is hot and humid from about May - October; temperatures may soar to 110 in the summer; and the rest of the time it is rainy, wet, damp, cold and/or windy.

If you "love" the mountains, a boring lifestyle, being unemployed, are financially fixed, are very staid, think old, and believe it is a good place to raise children, it is apparently meeting those needs.

For motivated single adults of all ages, it seems agreed this is not the place to be. It seems, too, even “connected” imports leave soon after coming here, and young people seek more interesting environments.

Being in Roanoke for over six years has proven to be an unfulfilling and financially devastating experience. Trying to get out, especially in light of having “invested” in a home in an excellent area,(24018),is proving to be quite a challenge.

There are exceptions to everything, of course, everyone is different, and each has an opinion. Mine is, to each his own.

Bp | Cave Spring, VA
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